Monday, January 3, 2011


I know I have a lot of catching up to do as far as Christmas, our relocating, and New Years, but until then, I had to post this hilarious photo of Matt that his mom emailed me.  I put Sawyer's Christmas tantrum photo next to it for comparison since Sawyer and Matt are both a year old in them. Besides the age difference of the Santa's (and creepy factor of the one that Matt got) the looks of terror on both little boy's faces are pretty much identical! 

Also, before I forget, here are some interesting tidbits of Sawyer as of late:

* He clapped for the first time this morning at breakfast. Not sure if he is a late bloomer as far as clapping goes, or just that he finally had something to clap about (a bite of my french toast with almond butter and syrup on it).

* He loves to shake his head NO and nod his head YES. More often he chooses the shaking no action especially when it comes to me trying to get him to eat something green and healthy.

* He mastered the art of sliding down the stairs feet first while on his stomach and is now trying the going down while sitting on his bum  maneuver. 

* Walking backwards is a newfound delight. He takes as many small steps backwards as he can before he runs into a wall, a piece of furniture, or until I stop him because he is about to fall down the stairs (all with a silly grin on his face because it's obvious he thinks walking backwards is pretty dang clever.)

* The words he knows so far (besides Mama and Dada) are Dog (which sounds like "doh") and Uh Oh (which sounds like "Uh Ow". Think Eliza Doolittle's British accent). 

* The things that bring him the most joy in life thus far are: Ritz crackers, playing "keep away" with his dog Moxie and his toys, getting utensils out of drawers and tupperware out of cupboards,  being chased, and riding the red trike at Grandpa and Grandma Howell's house. 

* He has figured out that he can indeed sleep while sitting up in his car seat, a necessary skill he had to have to make it the whole way to Idaho in the car. We are super thankful he conquered that one since it made our 20+ hour trip so much more pleasant.

And last but not least here are his 15 month stats from his last doctors appointment:

-24 lbs. 

-50th percentile for weight

-supposed 30th percentile for height (meaning he hadn't grown even a centimeter since his last appointment) until I remeasured him at home and found he was a whole inch taller putting him actually in the 50th percentile. The medical assistant who measured him this time was the same one who said at his 9 month check up that he had shrunk.  I don't think so Tim (yes that is a Home Improvement reference). 

-While he is running like a maniac around the office, I was asked if he is standing and walking yet. Um.....yes. Why, yes he is.

- Was told he should have his 15 month molars coming in soon and yesterday, while he was leaning his head back laughing, Matt and I saw those big pearly whites breaking through in the back of his mouth. That would explain the drool spots on the front of his shirts. 

And that's the end of the Soy boy news update. 

1 comment:

Amy and Craig said...

so cute! Glad you guys are settling in! Have classes started yet? Guess what? Your "shabby blog" deco is done by a friend of mine here in MI!