Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas 2010

I know Christmas seems like it was ages ago, but we had a great one and I need to capture it on our blog before I forget! I try to use our blog as a journal of all our family events and want to get better at updating it more frequently this coming year. So far in 2011 I haven't had a great start at it. 

Christmas Eve we spent at Matt's mom's house where we had a yum-o dinner together, exchanged gifts, listened to Christmas music and later in the evening Matt and I made his mom watch endless Julian Smith videos on YouTube. What can we say? We think he's hilarious! (strange yes, but mostly hilarious).

This is the Roald Dahl book set that Matt got me for Christmas. Matt saw them at Costco once and knowing I'd be ecstatic he pointed it out to me. I said I needed them to read to Sawyer, but truthfully I wanted them just as much for me! It's all the classics I read growing up like Matilda, the BFG, James and the Giant Peach, and of course Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 
Thanks Santa  Matt!

My friend Ashley came over to visit that evening for a while too. She brought over a plate of goodies and after she left Sawyer snatched a peanut butter fudge piece when we weren't looking. As soon as he knew he'd been caught he stuffed that thing in his mouth so quick before we could take it away. I would say he throughly enjoyed it, but it's hard to tell since he swallowed it so fast. 

Sitting around the dinner table like a big boy with daddy. 

Sawyer got some large Legos from his Nana that he loves stacking. Then he opened a car track mat from us and some cars to play on it with. I don't think he understands yet what the mats good for besides sitting on, but he enjoyed taking the cars apart.  

Matt got the 5 Crowns card game that we love as well as some shaving accessories from the Art of Shaving store.  

 We had a really nice Christmas Eve and tried to save room for the brunch we knew we would be eating the next morning at the 95th Aero Squadron on Christmas Day. 

Christmas morning Cousin Christine and Aunt Peggy came over and Christine gave us a super cute wooden sign you stick on the door knob that reads "Mommy and Daddy time. KEEP OUT!". It is so funny and definitely something we will have to teach Sawyer how to read :)

Grandma Faye, Aunt Penny, Aunt Peggy, Christine, Matt, Sawyer and I all headed out to brunch around 10 that day. The spread at the restaurant was HUGE! It reminded me of the part on Hook where the Lost Boys are at the dinner table with the imaginary feast. There was a chocolate fountain, cheesecake, lobster, crab, sushi, omelets, pancakes, everything you could possibly want was there for the taking.  It was definitely a memorable Christmas morning breakfast! 


Jason & Shannon said...

Mmmm delicious!

HowellAZ said...

Fun times! You guys must've been very good this year for Santa to bring you so many nice gifts! :)

AD said...

YAY! That peanut butter fudge was pretty tasty... And i just found a new recipe for another type of fudge... If it's good, I'll ship some out to you :)