Monday, August 4, 2014

Scoutty Cat Stats

I have done a horrible job keeping track of Scout's milestones since she has been born. The poor girl doesn't even have a baby book for goodness sake! I should probably remedy that soon or I'm going to be hearing about it when she's older and she sees all of Sawyer's baby stuff! 

2 weeks
Weight: 9 lbs 0 oz  (75th percentile)
Height: 21 inches (75th percentile)
Head circumference: 36.5 cm (60th percentile)

2 months
Weight: 12 lbs 12 oz (92nd percentile)
Height: 23 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 39.5 cm (75th percentile)

4 months
Weight: 15 lbs 9 oz (90th percentile)
Height: 25 inches (75th percentile)
Head Circumference: 40.5 cm (40th percentile)

Exactly a week from now she will be five months and she now weighs over 16 pounds. She is wearing a remaining few of her six month outfits that were on the bigger side, but mostly she is in 9 month outfits. She was wearing all of her six month outfits at around three months and her three month outfits at around a month, so needless to say this girl likes to eat! Her rolls and squishiness are my absolute favorite. Sawyer was pretty rolly, but this girl has him beat for sure in the homemade rolls department. 

Scout is FINALLY starting to spit up less. Thankfully she never had reflux like Sawyer did, so she was pretty much labeled a 'happy spitter', but that doesn't mean she couldn't generate just as much laundry as her big brother did! Being spit up on at every feeding makes you question what the point of getting showered and dressed in the morning is when you are going to be changing outfits (on you and her) more than a few times and maybe even possibly re-showering depending on whether or not you feel like reeking of sour milk that day. I eliminated dairy from my diet twice to see if it would help (once I only gave it a go for two weeks before caving, the other time I made it four weeks), but whether or not it helped couldn't be determined. We decided just this week that it seems like her spitting up is beginning to taper off. I do feel like I only did laundry every four days this past week instead of every other day so yes I do indeed think we are finally turning a corner! 

Besides the spitting, Scout also had another very unladylike quality. This girl can outdo any teenage boy in eliminating noxious gasses from her body. Unfortunately, her brother was the same way as a baby and continuing to follow in his footsteps she really knows how to belt out the cries at night when her tummy hurts from gas. She has been a tummy sleeper since day one because it was the only way we could even get her to go to sleep. Let's face it, our kids are colicky---whatever that even means. They cried for hours almost every evening, were extremely gassy and no matter what we tried we could not pinpoint the cause. We gave mylicon drops, naturopathic sleepy tablets, rubbed her tummy, bicycled her legs, bounced her, rocked her, took turns passing her off so we didn't lose our minds, and in the end we spent a small fortune (okay, only $27 but still that's a lot for something you are not positive is even going to help!) on a very small bottle of probiotics and they seemed to be the magic potion.  I mix them with breastmilk and give them to her in an oral syringe after she eats. She finally slept through the night (6+ hours) the first night I gave them to her, and that was after two weeks where she was waking up every 1-2 hours at night (at three months old). One can only function on so little sleep before they are willing to spend whatever amount of money it takes on anything that claims it will fix their baby so they can get some needed sleep! After reading online that people said RAW Garden of Life Probiotics for Kids (you can give them to 3+ months babies) did the trick for their baby's gas issues we hopped in the car and ran all over town trying to find some! We finally located them at the Vitamin Shoppe in Boise with ten minutes to spare before they closed for the evening. That night was a glorious night for the Koprowski household. 

The photo below was taken one morning after a week or so of the waking 1-2 hour wakings at night with her. Caffeine helped get me functioning somewhat in the morning, but really nothing makes up for sleep that is interrupted that often! Of course she would snooze once morning rolled around like it was no big deal. Little stinkbug. 

As far as other tidbits about this little girl of ours, she loves to catch people's eye and smile this enormous smile at them. Some have called it flirting, and I would have to agree. She loves her brother immensely and you can just see her face light up when she sees him or even hears his voice. Sawyer loves her a lot too and is very protective of her. One time I left her at home when I went to pick him up from daycare and when asked where Scout was I acted like I didn't know and said I must have left her somewhere.  The look on Sawyer's face was sheer horror. I quickly told him I was just kidding and she was home with daddy (what kind of mom would joke about that?! Apparently me.) I may need to work on my humor because that boy of mine did NOT find my joke funny in the least bit! He was very upset and I apologized for teasing about leaving her.

 I've spied him in the back of the car holding her hand a few times and it's just about the sweetest thing I have ever seen. It's nice having a helper in the backseat that can tell me when Scout is sleeping or put her pacifier back in when she is crying. He hasn't wanted to help dress her or change her diaper, like I would imagine a big sister would want to do, but he has on his own asked to hold her a few times. He holds her for about three seconds max and then is done and lets her roll off of him, but it's cute that he would even ask to hold her in the first place. 

Lately, Scout has become Miss grabby hands and if you don't watch it she will hook your lip with her fingers, scratch your chin with her claws or stick a wee little finger up one of your nostrils. She loves to play with toys lately and is content to lay on a blanket rolling around. She has been a pro at rolling from her back to her tummy since about three months, but rolling from her tummy to her back (which they are supposed to learn first) has been more of a challenge. When she finds herself on her stomach, she lifts both her arms and legs up, flails them around while she squawks and teeters on her belly. She knows HOW to roll from her belly to her back, we have both seen her do it a handful of times, so I'm not sure what her dilemma is, but we both predict she will be a mover and groover before long. Sawyer crawled at six months and I'm willing to bet Scout will be doing the same. Time to get a baby gate and lock up those legos! 

After calling her Scouttypants and Scoutty McScouterson for nicknames and neither sticking, I've recently come up with a nickname that I think is perfection and hilarious to boot. Matt disagrees. We will see what you think. 
Scoutty Cat. 
Now say it really quick.
 Scoutty Cat. 
See? It's oh so fun to say! And to top it off, now I know what she will be for Halloween :)  

Saturday, August 2, 2014


Part of my job as a research assistant was to participate in the Western Institute of Nursing conference by presenting my research results. I did a content analysis on a website called Night Nurse Nation and how it relates to infant feeding choices. My school paid for me to attend the conference which was in Seattle this year, plus paid for the airfare and hotel cost.  I would normally have been in a room with another person from school, but who really wants to be in a room with a nursing mom and her four week old infant that is going to be waking up every couple hours at night? I don't think a lot of hands would be shooting up volunteering to be my roommate! Thankfully we were able to work it out for Matt to attend with me and we just had to pay the difference in the hotel cost plus airfare for him. Since Scout was just four weeks old when we went so there was no way I could have done the trip without Matt accompanying me.  He was able to watch Scout while I was in the conference seminars and also during my poster session, during which she screamed the ENTIRE time. Poor Matt. I had envisioned him rolling her around outside in the stroller, exploring Seattle and having a great time perusing the city's sights. No such luck. On the bright side though, minus those two hours,  it was a nice getaway with just the two of us (and the baby).  Even despite the screaming episodes I still think babies are way easier than four year olds, especially on trips and our four year old was home having fun with Grandma and Grandpa during this excursion. 

 We left on a Wednesday night and flew back Friday morning so it was a VERY quick trip! We did manage to sneak in a late night dinner at PF Changs when we arrived, during which Scout slept the whole time so that was practically a real date ;) 

This was us briefly exploring the surrounding area by our hotel.  

Scout was a champ on both flights to and from Seattle. 

This was when Matt went with me to set up my poster. You can definitely tell by my rounded face that I had just given birth to a human being four weeks prior! Thankfully the jacket did a nice job of hiding the rest of the evidence. 

We did manage to sneak in some city sights with my friends, like the infamous gum wall, which we just happened upon on accident. I carried Scout around in the wrap and she did awesome. She even joined me that way in an afternoon seminar so Matt could have a break. 


It was a super speedy trip, but we managed to squeeze in a lot of fun. Visiting Seattle was a first for both of us and it was neat to be back in a large city again. I think it's safe to say we need to go again and spend at least a week to properly see everything Seattle has to offer and of course see my friend Jessica next time!!

When we arrived home, we were greeted by this little man at the airport, equipped with home made signs and everything. I loved it!