Monday, August 22, 2011

Right Now

At this very moment Sawyer is cozy on the couch watching "Tangled" which is his new favorite movie. Yep, Tangled has definitely beat out the movie Cars. He especially likes the white horse in it and laughs every time he comes on the screen. 

We just got back from a hour walk around the neighborhood with Moxie where Sawyer did most of the walking and Moxie did most of the stroller riding. We walked down to the creek by the railroad tracks where there is a field with a trail that Sawyer walked along picking up rocks and throwing them into the weeds. I'm super excited to take him camping over Labor Day weekend because he is going to have a ball playing outside and getting dirty for 2 whole days! After walking in the field we went to this grassy hill overlooking the creek and sat on a rock watching a train go by. Now back at the house the kitchen has been cleaned, the dishwasher is running (quietly, unlike our old one) and a load of laundry is going with the shirt I am going to be wearing to class tonight. Gotta look good on my first day back at school! Right before I sat down to type this, I finished hand washing our wedding wine glasses that we broke out last night to celebrate my parents 30th anniversary!

We kept it a secret from my mom, but my dad knew what we had planned. I had called a few times during the week to arrange things with my dad and he had taken my call into another room so she kind of suspected something was up. Just to throw her off I called yesterday over to their house and my dad answered the phone. I asked him if they wanted to come over to our house for dessert around 7ish. He nonchalantly asked my mom if she want to come over and then asked Bryson who said casually "um, I guess since I don't have anything else planned" (He was in on it too!)  They picked my Grandpa Howell up on the way over, telling my mom he wanted to come over and see our house since he hadn't yet. Linda and John had arrived beforehand to our place and we had the whole kitchen set up with the wine glasses for sparkling lemonade and a cheesecake bar with loads of toppings. Earlier Matt had helped me hang streamers from the dining room chandelier to the ceiling and we had decorated the kitchen table with a bunch of their wedding photos and their wedding album. 

Right before they pulled up to our house we skyped Ben, Chantal, and Jett. Then we called Megan and Kevin on one phone and Grandma and Grandpa Hansen on another and had them both on speaker. They got to our house around 7:15 and when my mom and dad rounded the corner into our kitchen we all yelled "Surprise!" 

We made them stand in front of the table and reenact their wedding photo on the left. They still look just as in love as they did 30 years ago on their wedding day! We also had them reenact the kissing photo on the right, but I won't embarrass my mom anymore by posting it for all to see. But it is really cute.

After we stuffed ourselves silly with toppings, I mean, cheesecake, we had everyone sit down on the couch. We saved the best for last and had prepared a slideshow for them to watch, which I've attached at the bottom. Notice the box of kleenex behind my mom, yep, that was strategically placed there because I had a feeling it might be needed during the video. ;) Even I got teary eyed watching it and I'm the one who made it! 

Here's a few more photos from the evening...

We found a list of predictions that people had made for my mom and dad thirty years ago on August 19th, 1981 at my moms bridal shower. It was fun to read them and see which ones were way off and which were pretty close. One made by my grandma was almost right on! She had predicted, "You'll go to BYU and have a baby, in two years you'll move to California." 

Hope you guys had fun at our house! It was fun to celebrate such a momentous occasion with you. We are thankful you both chose to marry one another and it's truly a day to celebrate since none of us would be here without you! Literally! 
Here's the slideshow video. If you watch it be sure to turn up your volume because it just isn't the same without hearing the music!

1 comment:

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Thanks for the great celebration. It was a fun surprise. Can't wait to watch Tangled with Sawyer.