Sunday, August 14, 2011

Dutch Brothers

Having Dutch Brothers in Idaho has proved to be quite dangerous.  While Matt and I are hugs fans of their iced double chocolate mochas, Sawyer is an even bigger fan of their super creamy chocolate milk. The kids chocolate milk is only a little more than a dollar and you get to keep the cup, but we have over 6 of their cups in our cupboards at the moment so the price obviously adds up! The other day just to save a buck we made sure to not stop by their drive thru until Sawyer was passed out in his car seat. He was fast asleep, but as soon as we pulled up wouldn't you know it his little peepers popped open! He must be hard wired to smell chocolate milk wafting in the air. Is that even possible?!

1 comment:

HowellAZ said...

This post makes me laugh! Jett has finally caught on to the goodness of chocolate milk. I'm surprised it has taken so long with a mom who is nutso about it. Ben said last night that he is a little concerned about all the sugar Jett eats. I guess I don't put chocolate milk in the sugar/treat category. It's a staple!