Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Corinne Dee Ruth Anne Marie Dawn Vause

One of my childhood friends Corinne recently had a baby girl and was in town visiting. My mom and I were able to go see her and hold her beautiful new baby Gianna Deanne. Corinne was glowing from motherhood a.k.a. tired as heck from no sleep,  but masked by the incredible happiness that comes from being a new mom. It was fun to get to see her again since it had been over six years since we'd seen each each other last. We grew up in the same neighborhood and were especially close around age 12. Our houses were just around the corner from each other so whenever we'd get together to play we'd meet at the infamous corner and go from there. Usually we'd go play in the field behind our neighborhood with our horses (bikes) and ride up and down the dirt hills or walk to Fred Meyer to try on an endless amount of clothing in the dressing rooms. I'm sure the Fred Meyer clothing department staff  really loved the fact that we occupied their dressing rooms for hours on end. Then on the walk home from Freddies we'd stop by Dairy Queen or Baskin Robbins and ruin our appetite for dinner by shamelessly eating multiple sundaes. At church there were a group of us girls that hung out together a lot and one day when we were together  we realized Corinne had no middle name. We decided we'd remedy that for her by loaning her all of our middle names so Jessica and Jennifer Roundy, Melissa Smith, myself and Lauryl Lewis donned her from there on out: Corinne Dee Ruth Anne Marie Dawn Vause and it's stuck ever since. Plus it's just really fun to say. Go on, try it. 

 Corinne and I at age 13 during our eighth grade graduation. 

And now as twenty-seven year olds and both moms. 

Welcome to mommyhood Corinne! I'm lucky to be able to call you a friend after all these years. I'll be crossing my fingers that you get to move back to Boise soon! 

1 comment:

Lauryl said...

How fun! This makes me wish I lived closer.