Monday, August 15, 2011

Montessori Kid

Sawyer is late talker.
 His comprehension is right on target, but as for words he just doesn't care to use them. I could worry about it and to be honest I was concerned for a little while and thought about ways to try to get him to speak, but he very carefully chooses to use words here and there so I'm confident he will choose to talk when he's ready. Instead of focusing on what he's not so good at, I've decided to focus in one what he excels in and enjoys doing and that is his using his fine motor skills. I found this blog called "Counting Coconuts" that has some really amazing Montessori type activity ideas that are right up his alley! 

I put together a bin full of fun things for him to do. This activity is taking marbles and putting them one by one into the muffin tins. He can use this eventually for counting or separating the marbles into colors. 

This idea I actually got off another blog called "Chasing Cheerios" and he loved it! I 'borrowed' a tin of dry black beans from my parent's house and he spooned them into the flower pot like dirt and then arranged the pinwheels like flowers in it.  

As you can see he took this job very seriously. 

One of the other things I had him do was string animal shaped beads onto a ribbon. He also like taking tooth picks and putting them very carefully one by one into the top of a parmesan shaker. 

 I had moved his little picnic table from his play room and into the kitchen where he sat for almost 2 hours 'working' on these little jobs. After 5pm the men took to the couch to unwind together after a long day of work. 


The Hickman Family said...

Grant is exactly the same way! He is just now deciding he can talk. It takes us a few days to understand some of the things he's saying, but everyday is something new! I will have to borrow those ideas to keep him busy. Grant would love all of that! Anything he can snap, button, dump, or do anything that involves his hands is also his favorite!

Victoria said...

I don't think it's that uncommon, especially for boys, to be late talkers. I've come across many moms with boys the same age or around the same age as Ryan and Sawyer whose sons are not talking either. If Sawyer understands what you are saying and communicates somehow rather than just getting frustrated, he's probably fine. My doctor suggested if I was worried (since Ryan wasn't saying much at 18 months when we were there last), that I get free speech testing for Ryan. I didn't because I realized after talking to all these other moms, that Ryan seems to be pretty typical. Hope that helps! My mom told me that she didn't even know I could talk until one day I just started using sentences :).

HowellAZ said...

Can't wait to try some of these activities out! Jett has been watching way too many videos lately as I've been trying to sort through unpacked boxes. Ugh. That little Soy Boy is sure good at his motor skills!

kwriter said...

He is just saving up all those words and when he is ready... you will not be able to stop him :-)


You're a great mom :) I'm excited to go through all that with Emily - well I think I am excited - I don't really want her to grow up! I've been wondering if it will take her longer to talk since she is an only child and we are the only ones talkig to her - she wont have someone else she is really socializing with, so I wonder how that will effect her speaking - as far as when she starts & how much she talks. I guess it's not too big of a deal/worry I'm sure all kids talk by time they go to school - right?