Sunday, May 22, 2011


Just went on what should be called a blogging bender. I think I just posted, 4, no maybe 5 blog posts. Either way it was a lot to do in one sitting. I think I'll call it a night. No need to blog for another few weeks now!


The Nielsons said...

I still can't believe we ran into each other at the library!!! It was way good to see you. It's fun seeing all the stuff on your blog that I can relate to in this area and with kids. I'm going running each Saturday so I'll call you and have you come.:) I saw on a comment that Jessie is coming to town...has she come? If not, I'd love to go out to ice cream or something with you two.

HowellAZ said...

Loved all the posts - I'm excited to see what improvements you have going on in your new place. I just lay and think about things I need to do in this house at night when I can't fall asleep, which is most nights. Maybe it's all those fatty late-night snacks I've been consuming. My body is trying to digest and can't sleep! Anywho, on to fun things like that adorable Soy Boy who rides big motorbikes and small camo 4-wheelers. He is just squeezable and looks like he is getting so big, especially in that picture where he is coming down off the slide. Looking forward to seeing you guys soon and having these cousins show us all their mutual likes and behaviors!