Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Play Ruum

Right after we got some magnet letters, Moxie decided she had a taste for the letter O. She didn't have a preference for lower or upper case either so they all were eaten up! Hence, the U's in ruum. Good thing Sawyer can't read yet. 

So far this room is the "I don't care what it looks like" room. Meaning all the toys can be scattered every which way and if I don't want to see the mess, I simply close the door. Or more like, Sawyer closes the door on me. He has a habit of running into different rooms and slamming the doors behind him. I thought that didn't happen until they were a teenager!

I've been 'room'inating on how I want to decorate it, but in the mean time it will be kept just the way it is. A big empty room, filled with his tent and toys. I have a feeling that's just the way he likes it anyway. 

 I love, love, love, the windows in there. One day, if we have other children, this room will most likely have a bunkbed in it and be the 'boys' room. At least that's what I envision!

Oh, here he comes now to shut the door! Bye!

* Question for all of you bloggers. I have a lot of people who ask me questions when  they leave comments on my blog. If I answer them back in the form of a comment, how do I know they will get it? I see on other people's pages, a whole conversation taking place between people in their comments. Is there a magic button to click or something I am missing??? 


HowellAZ said...

Fun Play Ruum! Pretty much every room in my house I want to close the door on. Funny that Jett loves to close doors, too. All the similarities between them is cute, I can't wait to see them together in person. By the way, what do you mean by 'if' you have more kids? You better have at least one more! Ha ha! :)

endlessglowbyjessica said...

I love Play Ruum!!! Too cute! :)

Victoria said...

When you get the notification in your email that you have a message on your blog if you hit the reply option, it will go directly to whatever email address they use to leave comments. That way you can be sure they get your response. Otherwise you just have to hope that they remember they asked you a question and look back to find the answer.

I like your toy room. It's nice to have a room to devote to toys so your living room isn't overrun by them, and the spelling of "ruum" reminds me of the way things are spelled in Winnie the Pooh. It's cute :).