Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bye Bye Binky

This Tuesday is a monumental day. It will be the two week mark of Sawyer being binky free!! We had procrastinated on taking his beloved paci away for fear that all hell was going to break loose when we did. So we waited, and waited and tentatively would take them away only to see him later in the day with one bobbing in his mouth that he searched out and found somewhere. We were going to have to do all or nothing if it was going to stick.  With the help of all the comments my friends and family made on Facebook, I finally got up the courage to just do it and have him go off them cold turkey.  That first morning was rough. He rummaged through all the places his pacifiers were normally kept, and when he couldn't find them he kicked and screamed. Eventually the wailing  crying stopped and after he learned how to take a nap without one that day and then how to fall asleep that night, he finally woke up the next morning cured of his binky addiction!

As you can see he doesn't even remember them now.
 Binky? What's that?


HowellAZ said...

I just cannot say too many times that he is one cute cookie! I'm so proud of him (and you) for the binkie removal adventure you embarked on! After I saw your FB post, I decided to take them away from Jett except when he sleeps...I guess there is still that lingering fear that he will keep waking up at night if he can't find one to pop in his mouth. But he is doing well with not having it throughout the day. And I noticed he also doesn't tote his blankie around nearly as much, so I guess they kind of go hand in hand. :) Way to go!!!

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

I like that we can see his whole face now. And his bright smile.

kwriter said...

Good job! Just set aside some money for his therapy down the road when he decides his problems stem from having his binky taken away :-) (I think I have been in LA tooo long)