Saturday, March 12, 2011

Training Begins

There's been a lot if 'training' going on around here lately. I'd post a few more photos for proof, but Blogger is refusing to upload them at the moment. To give you an idea, we've got trains going up and down the stairs, beneath the barstools, around the kitchen island, and sometimes the conductor even takes them for a dip in the dogs water dish and back out again. 

Unfortunately, either the caboose or the engine get detached from the rest of the train cars quite often. As in every 3-4 minutes. Then I see this sad face running to me asking (or more like implying since he doesn't really use words yet) to put them back together.  After about the twentieth time of the train falling apart, this little conductor starts to fall apart too out of sheer frustration. That's when we know it's time for the trains to retire for the day and instead we go watch a train called Thomas on t.v. instead. 


Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Maybe you could glue the trains together. Of course, if they are going underwater it might not stick.

endlessglowbyjessica said...

I say this too much, but it's so true... he is sooo cute! And how come when my legs are chubby like his, it's not so cute. :) Ahh, the days of toddlerhood... sometimes I wish I could go back. :)

rachel garber said...

I REALLY need to stop reading blogs before going to bed. I had a dream again last night that I babysat Sawyer and for some reason you and Matt came home early so we all hung out. Oh geesh!

HowellAZ said...

Ha! That is too funny about his train coming apart and him coming over to ask for help putting it together again. Jett has a couple of semi trucks that attach in two parts and he is constantly taking them apart and bringing them to Ben or I to get them put back together again. When we're in the car, this routine doesn't work out too well and he isn't very happy about it. Oh, the funny things they do....