Sunday, March 6, 2011


This cartoon pretty much sums up my past study habits; however, this past week I was schooled hardcore because of how awesome I am at procrastination. I knew two weeks ago that I had a 5-6 page paper for my online English class due Friday at midnight.  Had the subject of the paper been on something interesting I would have started writing it the day it had been assigned. I actually enjoy writing and even researching (although correct grammar, punctuation and MLA format are not nearly as fun).

 Unfortunately for me, this paper had to be an argument on a political social issue. *Yawn*  Not that some political issues don't interest me, in fact there are a few key ones that tend to get me all fired up which is precisely the problem!  In the case of writing an argument it's best not to write on a topic you feel so passionately about or you'll have a difficult time presenting both sides of the argument fairly.  Finally, after much deliberation (catchy line from Tyra on American's Next Top Model) I decided the issue of outsourcing American jobs to other countries was something I could get enough words in on to fill the minimum 5 page requirement. The only problem was I didn't actually start typing out a sentence until Friday night around 7 pm! Not a very smart move on my part. 
Thankfully I have a very smart husband and father who are both "in the know" when it comes to politics. They each gave me some useful information on the topic so I somehow ended up sounding like I knew what I was talking about amongst quotes and research findings. Finally at 11:30 pm on Friday I submitted my 5 pages.
 What a relief! 

I can honestly say I learned my lesson. No more procrastinating! 
To ensure I do just that I had Matt take the Facebook app off my Blackberry. That cursed little red blinking light, informing me I had a new Facebook message on my phone, has been the downfall of every study session. Not only that, but I also felt like my life was being defined by what my next status update was going to be or I was checking on what other people were doing in their life instead of living and enjoying my own. Apparently I didn't have enough self control to monitor my Facebook usage,  which is why I resorted to just removing it. Since Matt took it off my phone a few days ago I can't even explain what a refreshing feeling it's been! And the funny thing is, I don't even miss it. 

I also found out my Chemistry test just got moved up a week, is going to be this coming Saturday, and will be covering 4 chapters instead of 3. Instead of freaking out, not studying at all, and just hoping on sheer luck that I pass the test (which has worked before, but is not a very reliable method!) I actually called my Aunt who is going to watch Sawyer for me tomorrow so I can study.
 Look at me, I'm being a responsible student! 


Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Facebook is definitely a love/hate thing. Way to go making the decision to take the leash off. It will be worth it!

kwriter said...

If I moved up one of my exams and added extra material, I would probably be assaulted by one or more of my students. Your chem instructor is either very brave or very foolish.

I have become very anti-Facebook since someone hacked into my account. Their security is too lax, especially when they told me I needed to change the passwords on ALL my accounts, not just Facebook.

HowellAZ said...

I gotta say...this is a very appropriate entry since it is National Procrastination Week. Congrats on breaking the habit (or decreasing it a bit).