Friday, March 18, 2011

Bottoms Up!

I would say we were just drinking these lovely green concoctions in honor of St. Patrick's day, but really they have been an addition to our diet lately. What are they? Green smoothies!! 
No, seriously, they really are good. 
Sawyer seems to have an aversion to any green vegetables I put on his plate. Maybe he doesn't like the texture of green beans or asparagus? I'm really not sure, but the only other thing I could think of was a salad and I highly doubt a toddler is going to eat a plate of lettuce. I had visions of lettuce leaves being thrown in the air like confetti if I put a plate of those in front of him. 
Instead we've been making green smoothies to get a good dose of veggies and fruit in. He's just abut to start guzzling in this photo. He's drank every one I've made and seems to enjoy them, but I'm sure it doesn't hurt that he sees Mom drinking it too. Pretty much anything Matt or I eat, he thinks he needs to be eating too. It could be worms out of a can for all he cares, it must be good if we have it! This particular smoothie that we were drinking was:
1 banana
2 cups spinach
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup peaches
1/2 cucumber
1/4 cup water

I have a feeling drinking one of these a day ensures a lot more vitamins for us than those Toy Story shaped gummy vitamins I bought whose first ingredient is sugar!


endlessglowbyjessica said...

Yay! I'm going to try this this weekend... feel free to share any more healthy tips... I have to blog about my health issues, but basically all is healthy in Jessica land again (aka my bod) and I am off and running again... literally. :) Well, starting tomorrow.

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Good thing you are drinking a double dose, because he will have superman energy after his green smoothie.

Sven & Trin said...

Sven and I drink the crap out of spinach smoothies. How fun.

HowellAZ said...

Popeye arms here you come!

Spencer and Erin said...

We drink this same drink all the time!! We call it our green drink and we love it!! Our friends think it looks gross, but I love it!!

soliluna said...

Yum! will have to try this recipe soon. (like today!) did you use frozen, fresh, or canned peaches? O. does ok with green veggies (green beans, edamame, broccoli are preferred) but won't eat the orange ones he used to as an infant (squash, sweet potato, carrot). We found yellow carrots (frozen) at Trader Joe's but no luck. Love your kryptonite smoothie idea!