Saturday, February 27, 2010

So Fresh and So Clean Clean.

One of the perks of living at Matt's grandma's house is that she has a cleaning crew come in every other week to spruce the place up. That means no cleaning the bathroom, dusting or vacuuming for me! Yahoo! Although I think by the time we move I'll have forgotten how to scrub a toilet.

My favorite thing is coming back after they've cleaned and seeing this:

Sawyer's pack n' play neat and organized.

And his crib all nicely made up.

The best part is how they tidy up Moxie's crate. It cracks me up every time.

Those cleaning ladies really know how to spoil us.

1 comment:

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

yep DEFINITELY spoiled! Hope you don't forget your all your Saturday chore training.