Monday, February 8, 2010

Sawyer Stats and Other Tid Bits

Had his 4 month check up today and he is in the 95th percentile for height at 27 inches long and 75th percentile for weight at 16.7 lbs. I guess that means he is going to be tall and skinny? 

My brother Ben came to visit us last Sunday and we had lots of fun hanging out with him during the day. I'm really looking forward to when he and Chantal move closer so the cousins can play together!

Sawyer is super excited to go see Grandma and Grandpa Howell and Uncle Bryson this Thursday when we meet up with them in Utah. Some of us are going snowboarding and some of us are staying behind to babysit the little man. Now if only this stupid sore throat that decided to grace me with it's presence yesterday will get lost. Arrrgh. Is it just me being a pessimist or is that the way it always works, a cold or some sort of sickness manages to sneak in when a vacation is looming in the  horizon! Boo. Not fair. Well I'm still determined to go snowboarding even if I have to load all my pockets with lozenges and kleenex. Sawyer got a new sweater for $3 for the colder weather, but just couldn't wait to wear it. 

And I just couldn't leave out these videos. This is apparently the little dude's new thing. I heard him whisper/talking last night in the other room with Matt. I had to sneak into the room recording otherwise I knew he would stop when he saw the camera. It's funny and creepy all at the same time. Can my kid be talking to aliens? It sure sounds like it. Great, just what I need. (Mom you know what I'm talking about!) Tried getting him to do it again in the second video and he did briefly, but then stopped. I guess the alien conversation had finished. 


Dave and Michelle Howell said...

eeeeeaaaaaaoooouuuuuu to Sawyer (that means see you Thurs in alienish).

Jason & Shannon said...

When are you coming? I want to see the baby!