Monday, July 26, 2010

Whirlwind Weekend

I'm so glad the weekend is over! It was crazy busy from the very start. It was filled with a lot of fun too considering my birthday was sandwiched in between it, but I was so exhausted come Sunday night. 
Friday after work we went and picked up some things from my mother in law Carol's house to sell at the garage sale we were having on Sunday to raise money for my fundraising.

Saturday morning (my 26th birthday) I woke up at 5:30 to get to the beach in time to run with my team. We ran 12 miles! Wahoo! It was actually a lot easier than I had anticipated. Don't get me wrong, 12 miles felt like an eternity while running it, but my body held it together better than I thought it would. I had to document the most mileage I've run so far and forgot to take a picture until after I was on the road going home, so yes this is multitasking at it's best. Hey, I had to snap a photo before my sweat dried to prove I'd actually ran that far! 

The rest of Saturday was a blur from when I got back from running until 7. I'm pretty sure it involved running errands, getting garage sale items donated from one of my coaches and making a bajillion garage sale signs.

Then before I knew it, it was time for my birthday date with my favorite guy. 

We went to the Sherman Oaks Galleria and gorged ourselves at The Cheesecake Factory, compliments of cousin Christine who gave us a gift card there in honor of both of our bdays. (Matt turns 30 on Aug 5th which is when we'll be in Australia. Luckyyyyyy!) After dinner we went and saw Inception at the fancy schmancy theater where you get to reserve your seats and they have a "greeter" come in before the movie starts to introduce the show. That movie was interesting to say the least. Dreaming fascinates me because I always remember mine and they are always bizarre. I really liked the movie and for the record, my vote is that it was reality at the end because I like happy endings. 

Went to bed around midnight which is about the time we got back and then woke up at the insane hour of 4:30 to go hang all my garage sale signs from here to Alaska.  Started hauling all the random paraphernalia out that we were selling and our first sale seeker showed up at 6:30. My signs said 7. But he redeemed himself by buying a whole pile of stuff, which would have been a whole lot of bigger if we had sold him all the items he kept asking about that were in the garage. No sir, my husbands road bike is not for sale and neither is the stroller, or the cooler or whatever else you are eyeing that it's in there. 

We also sold water, cookies, donuts, tea, coffee and juice and made about twenty dollars or so on that alone. Later in the afternoon Christine and her dad came over to help with the sale. We closed up shop at 3 on the dot and counted our loot. I would have been happy to get at least $200. That would have helped my fundraising significantly since I still had about $1900 to raise. 

Guess how much we made!  400? 500? 600?

Try $1,068 bucks!

I've never held that much cash before! It was amazing that we made that much. I can't wait to apply it to  my fundraising account! I was feeling confident that I have running 26.2 miles in the bag, but was a little more weary on whether I could raise the fundage. Now I know for sure it's achievable. What a relief!

Now that the weekend is over, I'm treating myself to a long awaited and much needed nap this afternoon after I do the laundry, empty the dishwasher, start packing for our trip, finish my math homework among a long list of other things. Perhaps my nap will have to wait until we are vacation. Only one more week!


Victoria said...

What an inspiration you are, Kristen! I can't believe you ran 12 miles. I love that dress you wore for your birthday date night. Super-cute! I liked the movie too. Either way, it was a happy ending for Leo ;). Some dreams you don't ever want to wake up from. I wish I had remembered about your garage sale :(. I would have sent Holly over there and checked out your loot too! I'm glad it was a success in any case.

rachel garber said...

Thank you. I said the same thing: the top stopped spinning. I like happy endings too :)

Shalee said...

Wow you are a busy lady! I am so impressed with your garage sale! That is a ton of cash! I'm thinking I need to have a garage sale...I just need a garage. Happy late birthday! Looks like you had fun! You looked great in your that dress by the way! Keep up the good work with the running...I'm even more impressed with that!

HowellAZ said...

WOW!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!! That is so awesome...I would've never imagined someone could make that kind of money on a garage sale. Sheesh, I need to haul my stuff out on to that blistering hot concrete and get some moula. I am really happy that you are going to be able to reach your goal. It makes me feel like I should at least be able to exercise today for 30 min. Naw...maybe tomorrow.

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Great job on the garage sale - don't stop and think how much you made per person per hour...lots of work and preparation.