Monday, July 19, 2010

Two of a Kind?

Yesterday at church a lady sitting behind us thought Sawyer was a girl. So far no one has said that, but it did make me wonder if he looks more like me than we think. I'll let you be the judge. 

(Don't mind the photos of me with the weird colorful edges on them, I had to scan them right out of my scrapbook)

I do know however, that S. definitely takes after me in the personality department. I was rummaging through my box of scrapbooks the other day and found the journal my mom had typed out from when I was a baby. I'm so grateful that she spent the time doing that because I was cracking up reading it now that I have kid of my own. It was so much fun to read about the unmistakable similarities between him and I as babies. Here are just a few exerts from it that describe S. to a T.

"Kristen Marie Howell is 5 1/2 months and is VERY active baby. She doesn't need much sleep and is busy all day"

"She can get pretty noisy when she's having a good time and extremely loud when she's mad"

"She sure does flirt with everyone, at the store, the library and church. She has a big smile for everyone!"

"People think Kristen is funny because she makes really strange sounds: loud crows, giggles, and screeches. She really likes to vocalize"

"She loves to say "aaah" and have you say it at the same time. She says Ma Ma Ma and Da Da Da and also something that sounds like "What is it?" She has almost 4 teeth through the top that are really bothering her."

That last one is so similar it's eerie because Sawyer says all 3 of those things and right now has 4 teeth on the top coming through at the same time that have been bugging him a lot too.


Shalee said...

That is too funny! You two definitely have the similar eyes!

Unknown said...

The pictures are very close realatied. It is so cute to see the traits of mom and dad in their offspring. Hope all continues to go well.

rachel garber said...

I like being a tease :) But all those things about him are true. He's pretty great.

I'm super uber curious all the time by nature - and you're right! there is nothing wrong with it!! I think some of it stems from the fact that he's 29 so I'm like, "Wait a second, you have all this life behind you . . ." and so I pick his brain forever.

Sawyer is still the cutest thing on the planet. It just pains me how adorable he is.

rachel garber said...

And I had a dream you had me babysit Sawyer last night. I think it went well - he lived through the whole thing at least :)