Monday, July 12, 2010

New Trick

Saturday I had to go down to Ventura college to take my math midterm (blah) so we decided to make it a better day by going to the Camarillo street as soon as I was done (yea!) 

The weather was perfect and it was fun meandering through looking at all the tables of things to waste your money on, taking a gander at the interesting carni's running those pop up carnival rides that you just know people have died on, and eating uber greasy fair food. I loved every minute of it! 

We sat and listened to music while we ate our Johnny Rockets lunch of cheese fries and fried chicken. While we sitting there S. was busting a move to the music and then decided his tongue wanted to start dancing too. I think the culprit was really his 4 teeth that are coming in at the same time, but we were cracking up every time he stuck it out. Then we got him to do it every time we stuck ours out. He caught on pretty quick that we thought it was super hilarious that he was copying us so he kept on doing it. 

We should have set up a table at charged money for people to see the amazing tongue-sticker-outer. 

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