Thursday, September 30, 2010

In Case You Were Wondering

We are still plugging away. Been really busy so I haven't gotten a chance to do a real blog update, but here's a quick one to tide over our faraway fans a.k.a. my mom. 

Took my T.E.A.S. test (Test of Essential Academic Skills) last Friday to get into a nursing program.  The national average is 73% and most schools just say you need a 67% or higher. I wasn't sure what to study since the subject matter was pretty broad. Now I realize I really should have known how to convert to the metric system since I bombed that section. I blame that on the silly American set up we have going on here :) Why don't we just all switch to meters like the rest of the world and get rid of this silly inches and feet nonsense? Anyway I got an 84% which I suppose isn't too shabby, but I was really bummed for a few days and upset at myself for not taking it more seriously. 

Then Friday night we went to a wedding that was absolutely gorgeous. Our friend Holly got married and her now husband Steve was just beaming during the whole ceremony. It was really cute! They had a pasta bar at the reception and my all time fav: Italian sodas! Mmmmmm. 

Then we left early Saturday morning to go to Santa Barbara to another wedding for a coworker of Matt's.  Matt's mom Carol came with us thankfully so she was able to watch S. for us during the wedding. The ceremony was on the rooftop of a hotel on what would have been the perfect day if it hadn't been so stinking hot! Santa Barbara usually stays nice and cool since it's by the ocean, but it had to have been in the 100's there that day. At their reception they had a photo booth that I think we utilized more than anyone else there!

Then this week we have been spending the majority of it trying to keep cool (Sunday was 113 degrees, I applaud my Arizonian friends who put up with that kind of heat on a regular basis. I felt like my brain was frying), getting ready for Sawyer's birthday and preparing an 8 minute speech that I have to give in my speech class tonight. Ugh. Speaking of now I need to go practice it just to be sure it's a whole 8 minutes and not 3 or 4. 


rachel garber said...

I really like the length of your hair!

The heat sucks and can go away any time now. It's OCTOBER for cryin' out loud. It was 108 and my brother was here from BYUH with his soccer team playing in Phoenix and I got to go watch. Super for me. Luckily when the sun went down it was only like 103 and then 100 and then 98 :) I hate it.

Congrats on the great nursing testing score-thingy!

endlessglowbyjessica said...

Great job on your test! Ugh, tests are the thing that make me not want to go back to school. Well, that and homework, and class, I just don't want to do any of it! So, I think you did a great job, especially compared to the average and what is required! I love how cute you and Matt are together! Too much fun... I would have totally used the photo booth all night too! Can't wait to see pics/ hear about Sawyer' b-day! He's so cute. I love all his funny faces! Hope you have a great time celebrating his first birthday!

Shalee said...

Love the photo booth pictures!!! You guys look like quite the fun bunch! Good job on your test!

HowellAZ said...

Great photos! And now I just can't wait for the Birthday Numero Uno update! Hope he had an awesome first birthday!