Saturday, September 18, 2010


Last night we took Sawyer to a kids museum in Pasadena called Kidspace that we heard about from his boss.

It's normally $10 per adult or child, but kids less than a year are free so we had to take full advantage since we only have 2 more weeks until that changes! 

Last night was Pirate night too so all kids were invited to dress up like pirates, come make swords and eye patches and the prices were discounted to $5 per person. 

If you live in the surrounding area and have children it's a must to go check it out! Sawyer was a little bit too young to enjoy a lot of the things, but we definitely plan on taking him back at around age 2-3. 

There were lots of activities to do outside. Running through fountains, playing in a creek, riding bikes around "streets" on the sidewalk. But out of all the toys guess what two things Sawyer enjoyed the most....

2 rocks that he found outside. 
Yep good thing he was free. 

He carried those two little rocks around like they were diamonds in the rough. 

They even made him lose his balance and crash, but didn't seem to mind. 

Going for a stroll through the gardens outside. 

We give Kidspace 2 thumbs up. 

 In case you were thinking Sawyer's chin is in desperate need of being wiped off in all the photos, he actually had a "Pirates" goutee drawn on his chin at one of the face painting stations. 


Megan said...

Just so you know, I love reading your blog and I think you could write some pretty funny children's books really easily; Something epic. Also, I just watched the geico piggy go weeeee all the way home, and it was HILARIOUS! loved it.

Steve and Hailey said...

Oh he is walking and growing up! So cool! I love learning more about my children as they grow into themselves. Griff is just barely walking at 16 months!

You sure pull off hats well. I try. I saw the cutest retro 30's hat at Macys the other day. Maybe I'll try to pull that one off. It was super cute.

Davis and Laura said...

Could Sawyer be any cuter!! And I can't believe he's almost a year!!! Time flies by so fast!

Shalee said...

My goodness he is getting so big! Looks like you guys had a fun time! Wish we had more kid friendly places like that around here!