Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Moment of Weakness

Just finished week number #3 with no sugar, well except for the minor mishap here or there, but for the most part I did fairly well. I was refusing sugar A LOT during those weeks when normally I would indulge so it just goes to show how much of it I was eating before! I used to think that I only ate dessert on special occasions, well if that were true I must have thought every DAY was a special occasion!

Anyway on Thursday I had a physical done just to know where my health was at after having Sawyer. My HDL (the good cholesterol which should be 46 or greater) was insanely high at 91 which is almost double the norm. I'd like to thank all the wonderful avocados who helped me achieve that. My LDL (the bad one which you want to be under 130) was only 88. And my Triglycerides which should be under 150 were at 60. Our doctor kept going on and on about how great those numbers were, it made me want to attach my labs to the fridge like a good report card!

I thought for sure I would be anemic since in that past I have been and tend to pass out a lot. Which seems to be the norm in my family. If we don't feel well, you can bet your bottom dollar we'll be hitting the floor. For me it also happens for a number of other reasons. If my friend Melissa is reading this (which I know you are) remember when I would pass out EVERY time I donated plasma? And you would yell at the workers to get me some juice when you saw my face starting to go white. Aw, thanks amigo. But surprisingly this time my iron levels were fine and my fuzziness when I stand has more to do with my low blood pressure than low iron. Good to know.

I asked the doc too what he recommended was an okay amount of weight to lose a week while nursing. I got down to my pre-pregnancy weight in record timing after having Sawyer which I can only attribute to breastfeeding since I really didn't lift a finger during that time. Now I'm a little under and would like to keep seeing the scale plummet down, down, down. On top of the advice he gave me he also said that the body burns so many calories making milk that I can expect to keep losing lb's just from nursing alone. Alright, in that case Sawyer is not getting weaned until he's 5 years old or I weigh 120, whichever comes first!

When we got home that night Matt's grandma had brought him a chocolate chip calzone from Claim Jumpers for dessert. We dug in. Yes, you read correctly. I said "we". Apparently I had forgotten I wasn't consuming sugar, or maybe it was the fact that I was still soaring from hearing my cholesterol was superb, or perhaps because I knew now that could easily attain my weight loss goals. Whatever it was that fueled me into plunging my fingers into the gooey chocolate filled center of that calzone, the whipped cream, and the vanilla icecream on top, I think I may have went overboard.

Just a little.

Or a lot.


Kent and Leisy said...

maybe it's the howell genes- but I've gotten smaller after each kid and it's gotten easier!! and I only nursed for six weeks with one- and four months with the other. nice cholesterol by the way!!

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Good Numbers! I'm so proud. Go ahead and post it on your fridge.