Thursday, May 6, 2010

No Such Luck

So tonight was a great night. Had a ton of fun with the hubs and Sawyer, but I can't go into detail now because all my hopes were dashed when we got home and saw the math class I NEED, the ONLY one I can take, is FULL. Even the wait list is full. Even if it weren't, I can't even register until it's technically May 6th which isn't for another hour. I'm so mad I could spit. I think that's something my mom used to say, and after tonight I've realized it's true when you're really steaming mad.

1 comment:

rachel garber said...

I know that feeling, I am so sorry! Dang, Sawyer is soooo cute, I want to meet him! And kiss his little cheeks! You're going to Boise I see on the 29th eh? I'll be there on the 3rd for my sister's graduation. I'm going to be in Cheyenne seeing Boy on the 29th :)