Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mixed Pix

These are the BEST teething toy I've ever seen! Sawyer is constantly grabbing for my keys to chew on, and he wasn't fooled into thinking those thick plastic teething keys were the real deal. Then I discovered  these ones at Target made by B. toys that actually resemble a real set of keys with the key fob and everything that makes noises just like mine (horn honking, door unlocking, the 'door ajar' sound). Definitely worth the $7.99 if it means my own set of keys remain free from slobber.

Found Sawyer in Moxie's crate yesterday inspecting her living quarters. Couldn't find the camera fast enough though before he was on his way out. 

Helping me box up his 'baby' clothes. He's in the 9 month clothing now, so it was time to get put away of all the smaller ones. 


Shalee said...

I'm going to have to pick up the key teething toy! Kooper does the same thing...grabs my keys and slobbers all over em!

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

He is trying to grow up and be a big boy. Tell him to slowwwww dowwwwn.

The Nielsons said...

He looks busy and happy! Way to go Mommy Kristen :)

Sara Panman said...

ohhhh love the idea of the key things... as you could see this morning this is a problem for miss hanna lol

Bobrey and the Boys said...

I will have to keep that in mind when Cooper starts teething, and seriously Sawyer is so cute!