Monday, November 2, 2009

Plan B

Luckily for the disgruntled cowboy we went to a garage sale Saturday morning and happened to get a back up costume among other fabulous finds. Although he looks like a cute Christmas elf, what he really is supposed to be is a hot chili pepper.

I was super excited to have found a baby sling too. The lady I bought it from said she could never figure out how to use it, but Matt looked it up online for me and it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it. The little dude loves it! It puts him right to sleep and then I have two hands free to actually get some things done around the house.

Plus I think he makes a cute accessory.


Lauryl said...

He looks much happier as the chili pepper, but cute both ways. :)

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

He is looing chubbly in the 2nd to last picture. Happy for your two free hands, what fun things are they going to be doing?

Kent and Leisy said...

your little chili pepper elf is so funny. holidays are so much more fun when you can dress up little rugrats and make them do crazy stuff.

Steve and Hailey said...

He does look happy in the sling. I love that you can accessorize the babe. :)

Brittany Ann said...

I love the chili pepper costume, my kids were always too big by halloween to go as something cute and tiny. What a cutie!

kimberly said...

Aw he's the cutest little chili pepper ever, love it! I'm glad you like the sling, I never got one of those with Kiya, but I think I'll definitely be investing in one for this one! Little Sawyer looks so happy and content all bundled up in there :) he's so sweet