Monday, November 3, 2008

McHate Letter

Oh McDonalds how I hate thee... You have tricked me with your sly sneaky tactics and got me to believe I could win your stupid monopoly game. I hadn't eaten at your greasy, below minimum wage paying, cholesterol boosting place of establishment in years until 8 days ago I succumbed to buying a soda. On that soda were monopoly game pieces and the next thing I knew I was begging everyone I knew to purchase Mickey D's for me and give me their game pieces. I practically begged, borrowed and stole as many pieces as was humanly possible. I ate your nasty food for breakfast, lunch and dinner 4 meals in a row!

 And what did I get in return?! 

A stomachache, a headache, exhaustion like I just wanted to hibernate for a week, unquenchable thirst from your buckets of sodium dumped on your fries and ALL the pieces, but ONE on every prize offered. ALL but ONE!!!!!!!! I'm beginning to realize that all the other billion people out there who got tricked into playing probably only need one more game piece too. Alright Ronald McDonald, you got me! I've been duped. I learned my lesson and will return to boycotting you.  I think I would rather eat a Krabby Patty at the Krusty Krab then eat your disgrace of a burger ever again. 


Tanner Mills said...


Kent and Leisy said...

Monopoly time is the only time I am tempted by the evilness of mcdonalds as well! you are not alone.

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Don't hold back - say what you really feel! Do you need to watch "Supersize Me" again??
I guess somebody has to win - it could've been you. What amazing prize enticed you in?

Steve and Hailey said...

Oh I totally get lured into these kind of things too. McDonalds gave out Wizard of Oz toys in the happy meals and we just had to get them all for Jack. Of course he only eats the apples out of the happy meal. We finally bought all the toys off of Ebay!

rachel garber said...

I love your writing Kristen! I really do! As for your comment on my vest, I have a new one, a green Land's End one that I fear I'll NEVER be able to done with pride her in AZ since it's still 80 degrees and November 4th. However, stop eating McDonalds because you'll gain 40 pounds and die.

Dylan + Belen Yettick said...

Oh! How ripped off & fat and bloated you must feel!!!! I agree! NOT FAIR! :D You crack me up. I'm sorry you didn't win anything. Did you atleast get some free food out of it???

HowellAZ said...

YUM. I LOVE mCdONALDS! Actually, I do sometimes eat there, but reading your blog has made me disgusted with myself. I am giving myself a stomachahe as I sit here typing, thinking of all the meals I have consumed. Oooh, here it comes....WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!

HowellAZ said...

YUM. I LOVE mCdONALDS! Actually, I do sometimes eat there, but reading your blog has made me disgusted with myself. I am giving myself a stomachahe as I sit here typing, thinking of all the meals I have consumed. Oooh, here it comes....WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!

HowellAZ said...

Also, a question. How do you save messages and approve them before they go on your blog? I got an advertisement and now I am on the rampage!