Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Los Angeles Zoo

Yesterday I took the man I take care of to the zoo. It was the first time I had been back to the L.A. ZOO since I was a wee one when we lived here before briefly in 1988. I have been trying to get Matt to go with me for the past two years, but apparently he doesn't have the same fascination with caged animals as I do. Actually the real reason I have been dying to go has to do with a pic I came across of Matt when he was about 4 years old standing in front of the elephant cage at the LA zoo with two elephants in the background, funny thing is I have an almost identical pic of myself when I was 4 too standing there with two elephants in the background. Looking at the picture you would think they were taken the same day, but in reality they were taken four years apart. So now I have this fantastic idea to go back and get a picture of the two of us now standing there and frame all three of them together.  Possibly a later post will be about that when it finally happens! So back to yesterday, my pal and I got there around noon and in approximately two hours squeezed in seeing.....

Reggie the alligator. 

The gangly giraffe family. 

The elephant who never forgets. 

The dazzling pink posse of flamingos.

The rhino who actually was a hippo. The sign in front that read Rhinoceros should probably be switched since it's just a little misleading. I was looking for rhinoceros horns the whole time on a hippopotamus.  How embarrassing. 

We visited the spider exhibit too but I'll spare you the photos and also saw monkeys of all shapes and sizes, the king kong family which included a baby gorilla, and a bunch of screaming children which were not in cages, but possible should have been. It was a lot of fun. I learned all kinds of things like for example in this video I am posting of a kangaroo, I was later informed by Matt that kangaroos do indeed walk on all fours.  Maybe that's common knowledge, but I always thought they hopped around on their tails to get around.  After all the one on Winnie the Pooh does! So in it you will hear my wonderment at how the little guy is walking around on all fours, and how I think he must be sick or tired. And that's why I am not a zookeeper. 


Amy and Craig said...

I love you picture idea! even if you have to blind fold matt and drag him there you should do it(he seems like he'd go on his own though :>

Victoria said...

When you guys have kids, you should get a picture of them in front of the elephants when they're four too :).

Reggie was in hiding when we were there in February.