Sunday, August 29, 2010

Last Day in Brisbane

The day Matt and I packed up to leave my parents apartment I went out to do one last run to the park with my mom. Only I didn't run. Not even one bit. My mom kept trying to motivate me to get to it since she knew I needed to train, but I just wasn't feelin' it that morning. Perhaps because I knew I needed to conserve my energy for our upcoming time in Sydney which would consist of endless walking. 

My dad had wanted to take Sawyer to this park the whole time we were there, but when we had gone before he was asleep in the stroller so my dad and I had all the fun on the train cars without him. The morning we were getting ready to leave, my dad had already left on a business trip, but we decided we needed to show Sawyer the track since my dad didn't get to.  This time he was awake and he definitely liked it!

I can't get over the expression on his face here. It's like he finds something to be completely and utterly ridiculous. Maybe it was something I said!

If you watch this video you'll notice the train is very slow moving compared to the video of my dad and I on one earlier. Now you'll understand why I didn't feel like running, I could barely get my legs to do anything! 

When we got back to the apartment we finished packing up our bags and then took a taxi to the Brisbane airport where we had a flight at noon to Sydney. From there we took a taxi to the Ibis hotel in Darling Harbour and then unloaded our luggage into the world's smallest hotel room. I'm not kidding, it barely had enough room for the pack n play and the stroller and it was an upgrade from what we originally had paid for. They must have upgraded us when they saw our Bob stroller and laughed thinking these fools think they can fit in their room with all that STUFF?! I wish I would have taken a photo of it just to show how teensy our 'upgraded' room really was, which leads me to believe our original room must have been the size of a closet. Ultimately it didn't matter because all we needed the room for was a bed to sleep in and Ibis hotels are known for having small rooms, but are inexpensive. 

After we checked in we set out in search of the Harbour Bridge, the Opera House and some much needed food....

More to follow. 

1 comment:

Kami Satterlee said...

I love that you're a runner, oh teach me your ways.....