Monday, August 23, 2010


The following morning at the Sunshine Coast we went exploring. First we went to a sandy beach to play in the water. 

And play in the sand. 

Matt and I went exploring down the beach, 

while my parents watched Sawyer nap. 
When we came back we found this makeshift tent my dad had constructed for him with a stick and my nursing cover so he wouldn't get sunburnt. Pays to have a dad whose a boy scout and an engineer!

After swimming we drove to Moolalaba, a small town with lots of shops and the perfect beach to look for seashells. My mom and I had fun with Matt's camera while exploring. Sawyer discovered a  tasty piece of coral that turned out to be a great teether. 

Mmmm, salty. 

I tried to be sneaky and take some of  Matt searching for shells. 


We found all sorts of cool ones that now sit in a jar on our bathroom counter. 

And took lots of family photos with the beautiful coastline behind us. 

After about an hour or two Sawyer started being a crabby patty and made it very apparent that he was DONE. 

We wrapped up our beach day by having fish and chips for dinner at fun outdoor place where we ate on the roof. 
If only everyday could be spent combing an Australian beach for shells, I would be the happiest girl in the world! 

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