Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mums & Bubs Day

One particular day on our vacation Matt, Sawyer and I took the ferry over to South Bank where the manmade beach was. There was a little cafe right nearby that was brand new when my cousin Sarah was visiting right before we went over. She and my mom had found it and said we had to take Sawyer there! It was a cafe made especially for parents to take their babies to called Mums & Bubs. 

Babies are referred to as Bubs in Australia. Sawyer got called that a few times as well as:

 Cheeky little fellow
Cute little Vegemite
Little darling

At Mums and Bubs Matt and I shared a steak sandwich and S. would have gotten to nibble on some of our fries if he had been awake. I had been so excited to take him to this place and what did he do the whole time we were there? He slept! Finally after we had finished eating and he still was sound asleep I decided to wake him up. I refused to leave there without him taking advantage of the kids toy area! That was the whole reason we went there in first place. 

Once he woke up he was happy to play with all the fun things they had. Lots of books, lots of toys and thankfully no other kids at that exact moment. Previously Sawyer had left quite an impression on another little baby girl who he chased after. He tried to poke her in the eyeballs and pull on her hair all while making this very disturbing shrieking sound. I'm not sure if he was afraid of her, but she was definitely afraid of him after that! I'm hoping he warms up to other babies soon. I've noticed every time we pick him up from the nursery at our church back home one of the caretakers is holding him. Could it be because he tries to bulldoze over the other babies in there? I'm not sure and no one has said anything yet, but let's hope it's just a phase. No one wants a bully baby!

After we ate we checked out the beach for the first time, but it was too cold to go in the water that day. 
We walked around for most of the day exploring and taking photos. This is me attempting to take a photo of us while setting the timer on my camera. Only I accidentally took a short video of us. We are nerds. Well maybe just I am. 

No this photo below proves Matt is a nerd too. Just zoom in on his expression if you don't believe me. 


Victoria said...

We'll have to hang out again and see how Sawyer interacts with Ryan to see if he's really a bully. My guess is he'll just follow Samantha around. That's what Ryan does.

HowellAZ said...

LOVED the videos...especially the one of S. :) But the 'Willis' lips Matt is sporting are sweet. Wish I was at the Mums and Bubs cafe with you guys.

AD said...

I think Sawyer is a big flirt! Smiling like that at people. He tricks them into picking him up. That way he can have some one-on-one time. He's done it to me!

Why is it that in all these posts it's "too cold" for things, yet Matt is ALWAYS wearing shorts and a t-shirt? HMMM?????