Saturday, June 19, 2010

There’s no other father I’d rather have had,
Than the one I was born to and got to call “Dad”.
Now let me begin with this poem I’ve rehearsed,
His name is (drumroll please) David Albert the first.

My pop’s super intelligent with patents galore,
A college education he always stands for.
Which is why when I went back to get a degree,
My dad was behind me one hundred percenty.
His name is found listed under Webster’s “Good guy”
For he is someone on whom all can rely.
He has lots of fans, and not just his own kids,
If he was at auction there’d be millions of bids.
But no can have him as their dad besides me,
(except maybe Ben, Megan and Bryson Marie)

Dad’s the king of to do lists, and getting chores done
His motto is always “finish what you’ve begun”.
And “if it’s worth doing at all, it’s worth doing right”,
Those exact words he’s been known to recite.
Yet another saying of his, lest I forget,
“Work hard, play hard” was his other duet.
Once chores were done and checked off the board,
We’d always do something fun as reward.
Like hiking or swimming, perhaps a hot spring,
To this day when we visit, our swimsuits we bring.

So not to brag or anything, but this I must say
My dad is the BEST (not to sound too cliche).
He’s always up for adventure, an excellent trait,
Since his job has him travel out of country and state.
He’s quite the globe trotter and to just name a few
India, Germany, and Peru he’s been to.
In fact I just realized where you are for the summer,
Is a whole day ahead which is really a bummer.
That means in Australia you’ll read this too late,
But the meaning’s the same


Dave and Michelle Howell said...

It was perfect. We came home from church, ate lunch and hopped on the computer to look at the blogs: and there it was. Hope Matt had a good Father's day also (even though he opened his present last month...)

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

I have read it over and over and over and it just keeps bringing tears of happiness to my eyes. Love - Dad

Shalee said...

Cutest poem ever!!!!!!

Sven & Trin said...

This is so cute, but I didn't cry until I read your dad's comment.