Monday, March 22, 2010

Thank goodness for itty bitty umbrella strollers. Over the weekend we drove to the Americana in Glendale with the intent of walking around for a few hours; however, didn't realize we forgot our stroller until we got there. Good thing there was a Target in the mall where we could snatch up a cheap umbrella stroller really quick. I don't really think Matt, myself or Sawyer would have enjoyed toting him around in our arms all night.  

I had to snap a photo of Matt wheeling him around because it looked so hilarious! It felt like we were pushing a babydoll stroller all night. Sure made us appreciate our Bob stroller and how high the handlebars go up!

I'm on a sugar strike right now with a friend to see how fabulous we feel after weeks of no sugar! So far that means saying no to the obvious culprits like candy and desserts. Our initial goal is to go until April 4th and so far we've gone a week already. Then eventually we'll extend it and start canceling out all the other miscellaneous sneaky sugar items. My reward to myself it to run my first 5K April 25th!

Just because I'm going without though doesn't mean Matt has to or wants to. I told him he had to try Beard Papa's cream puffs while we were there since everyone I know is a big fan of them. I think it's safe to say he thoroughly enjoyed them. 


Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Who is the stalker lady watching Matt enjoy his cream puff??

Kristen said...

hahaha! Crazy mannequin. That does look pretty creepy in the background!

Sven & Trin said...

We have Beard Papa's here too, and I can't get myself to ever eat there because I think the name is so stupid. I just don't get it.

Also, I think something is seriously wrong with the world when your REWARD is a RUN.

Good for you, though! :o)

Megan said...

OMG That is HILARIOUS...father and son have the same expression in picture numero uno.