Friday, March 12, 2010

Date Night

Wednesday night, thanks to Matt's mom babysitting the little soy bean, we were able to go on an official date (as in just the two of us). Of course we chose to see Alice in Wonderland since we had been awaiting it's arrival to theaters since we first heard about it being made a year or so ago.  

We decided to pay the extra two bucks to see it at the Arc Light theater in Sherman Oaks where you can reserve your seat. You'd be surprised how many people were there on a Wednesday night! I'm curious as to how people can afford to go the movies so often though, considering we paid almost thirty bucks for the two of us! Sheesh. It was in 3D however and that was pretty spectacular. We wanted to keep our awesome new shades, but we had to give them back at the end. Indian givers. 

We ate our pre-movie dinner at Cafe 50's. It's only my favorite place ever because of the decor, oh yeah and the milkshakes are delish. They did have one slight change though. Our little jukebox player by our seat that you put a quarter in so the song plays in the overhead speakers, now had a note taped to it that said they weren't in use any longer because they're antiques so you have to use the new jukebox up at the front of the restaurant. How did they become antiques since the last time we were there? Just one day they hit their antique birthday and had to retire? Lame. Oh well, my snickers/oreo milkshake consoled me. 

All in all it was a fun night. And it was nice to have my man all to myself. I propose date night should become a regular monthly tradition. Who wants to babysit? 


Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Monthly?? How 'bout weekly. I'm up for the babysitting. Just put an airmail stamp on his forehead. I will Fed-X him back the next day.

Shalee said...

Hey Eric and I went and saw Alice in Wonderland Wednesday night too!!! Those date nights are SO nice... especially after having a little one!!

HowellAZ said...

Too bad we don't live closer so we could do some babysitting exchanging. Luckily, your mom volunteered to give us a night on the town. We went hog wild and went to a 'clean' comedy night at a local church. It was pretty fun. Now we want to copy you guys for our next date.

The Nielsons said...

We barely get away on date night too but when you get to go, isn't it awesome to have a little time just to be the 2 of you? David and I just got back today from our lunch and a movie date-we saw Sherlok Holmes which was pretty good too!

rachel garber said...

I have a feeling that once I figure this thing out, I'll love it. However, my Dell can go to hell. We had a falling out this morning and permanently parted ways, thus my trip to the Mac store.

Glad you get date . . . must be nice. :)

Victoria said...

We had date night to see Alice on Friday at the same place for the same price. Yikes. At least you have Matt's mom close by. We use Grandma all the time :).