Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Video for Grandma

The last video I posted on here just for you mom was the one of Sawyer bouncing
around in utero. Now here he is much bigger, with longer legs and arms (I think
he was only a few inches in the ultrasound)and still bouncing. Enjoy Grandma! Also
you'll hear my hesitation as to what to call dad: is he grandpa howell or grandpa dave?

Sawyer going for a stroller ride yesterday when it was a little more then brisk outside. He is sporting his pumpkin hat from Aunt Peggy and blue gloves from Aunt Chele.

A semi-smile for me. I think it was more like a pre yawn I just so happened to catch, but he looks more animated here.

1 comment:

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Thanks, I can't get enough videos/pics. Dad liked them too.
Grandma Michelle and Grandpa Dave