Friday, October 16, 2009

New Pics

So our blog is turning into being all about baby. I can't help it! Matt and I did a mini photo shoot of Sawyer this afternoon in the backyard and these are some of our favorites.


Jason & Shannon said...

I love them! He is so cute! I especially like him in the picnic basket, and with the little stuffed animal watching him. SOOO CUTE!

rachel garber said...

too cute! you did a lovely job . . .

Victoria said...

Such a sweetie :). Good work on keeping the photos G-rated. I'm sure he'll appreciate that someday.

Lauryl said...

I thought that's what blogs turned into after you had a baby? That's my plan anyway. I may rename my blog just after the baby. :) We love to see him.

Megan said...

the first one with the lamb is my favorite. He is too precious and I want to hold him so bad!