WoaH! And in case you were wondering from today there is exactly....
until our expected due date of October 5th. My next doctors appointment is this Friday so maybe we'll have news of him arriving sooner. Well, a girl can hope anyway :)
And if anyone decides to try this at home I'll offer some advice.
One: use washable markers.
Two: do not attempt to write while looking in a mirror because you may end up with something like this.
And then you'll really wish your markers were washable.
Such a cute idea. Have you guys decided on a name? I'm totally keepin mine a secret cuz everyone will hate it:)haha
What a funny girl. I love the backwards three. You crack me up!
you are such a brave and beautiful bellied woman. no stretch marks even?! I don't think that even kent saw my belly at that stage :) you look great but I canNOT believe how close you are to having your baby!! so soon. good luck. I may have already shared this- but my only word of advice is- GET THE EPIDURAL.
Ha ha that's hilarious I love writing while looking in the mirror. Good thing they were washable. Yeah how come you have no stretch marks??? Whatd you use? (just taking notes hehehe)*Disclaimer to prevent any wrong ideas here, still not preggers, not trying either.
no stretchies because of a little miracle worker called Palmers Lotion, the one especially designed for pregnant bellies. I started using it in the first trimester morning and evening before bed and so far I hadn't gotten any until I noticed a little patch of them on my left hip. Yep, they must have sprung up overnight. Never thought I needed to lotion my hips, but I guess when you're whole body is expanding lotioning everywhere is a must! lol.
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