Thursday, August 28, 2008

A day in the life of the Kprows

5:45 AM 
Matt loads his bike onto the back of his car. I load my car up with my book bag, gym bag, breakfast, lunch and dinner bags. I am fast becoming a bag lady. 

5:50 AM
Hit the road together in Matt's car to go to the train station. Listen to my good friend Ryan Seacrest on 102.7 and call in every minute to try and win anything for that matter. Hasn't happened yet. 

6:00 AM
Drop Matt off so he and his bike can board the train. Bid farewell, tell him to be good and not get run over by any cars on his bike ride home at the end of the day. So far he's accomplished that thank goodness. 

Matt usually arrives to work right about now where he starts his day of designing and putting together music books. 

8:15 AM
I arrive at work where I work with these beautiful, funny people pictured above.  

(I work all day for a cardiologist in the front office and also the back office lately where I get to do EKG's and work with the patients.) 

4:00 PM
Matt gets off of work and rides his bicycle home. 

5:00 PM
I get off work and go straight over here to Moorpark College where I have a Physiology class at night. 

9:00 PM
Get home from school and say hello to Matt after a long day of not seeing each other. Pictured here is the way I say hello by tickling. He loves it. Don't let the look of terror on his face fool you.  

9:30 PM
In bed already and fast asleep, guaranteed. We aren't ashamed that our bedtime is as early as this eighty year old couple pictured above because we cherish our whole 8 hours of sleep, sometimes 9 if we're lucky.  That 5:15 alarm comes quick and before you know it, it's time to start the whole days process all over again! 


Sven & Trin said...

Couple things...who's taking that picture of you tickling Matt? And I am so glad that Sven and I are not the only hip young couple to hit the sack long before 10:00. We're going to be the best rested couples of all when we're old, then the four of us can play together because everyone else will be so tired.

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Hope you're taking your vitamins! Wow, crazy-busy. All you need is a puppy to clean up after.

Unknown said...

Who's that blonde guy in all your pix?

love ya,

Aunt Annie

Kent and Leisy said...

yikes! I LOVE the old people picture at the end- and the tickling one. Way to work your tails off.

HowellAZ said...

Love the pictures which detail your days...if you guys are that cute at 80 you can come and live with us!