Sunday, August 25, 2013

This & That

Sawyer is asleep in his bed, but his incessant 'bark' of a cough has made both Matt and I go in separately and rub Vicks vapor rub onto his chest. Matt just decided to run out to get some Hyland's natural cough medicine for him at the store. Thankful for a great Daddy who will run to the store late at night to get medicine for his sick kidlet.

I am itching for fall, or Autumn as Matt insists it is really called, to make an appearance. Can you crave a season? I think this counts as a full blown pregnancy craving. I can't wait for fall colors, crunchy leaves, crisp air, baking, warm kid jammies, and mornings so cold that the furnace kicks on. I'm really excited about being pregnant during the holidays for the first time too!

My fourth semester of nursing school starts this week (there's five total) and I've been told by many students ahead of me that the last two semesters are easy peasy. Supposedly there are only two tests this semester and just a lot of papers to write. Papers I can do. I'm so looking forward to a slow semester after the last two crazy ones.

I've made it a couple of days here and there without taking any Zofran at all. I really would rather not take any type of medication while baking a baby so if I can get by without taking it I try to, plus the side effects of Zofran (I will spare you the details) are horrendous so the sooner I can get off of it the better! We went camping with friends last weekend and I felt so good the entire time (nausea-wise anyway, I did end up catching a cold so we left one night early) that the next night we were home I decided not to take a Unisom either. Big mistake. The next morning I woke up super nauseated. I ate breakfast only to throw it back afterwards along with all the leftover contents of my stomach the day before and then continued to dry heave the rest of the morning. Ugh, it's making feel sick just thinking about it. I was out of commission that day and spent the entire day on the couch. Thankfully Matt took Sawyer to a movie during the afternoon so I could sleep and made a run to the store to pick me up some top Ramen which was the only thing I could think of that I might be able to keep down. I made him pinky promise to never let me skip a Unisom again, at least not for another few weeks. It seems to be my saving grace to help me through the day and last long enough that by the time my evening nausea hits, usually around 6, I can make it until 8 or 9 when I can take another Unisom. I have no idea how I would have managed being pregnant before medications like these were invented!

Last night I did take a Zofran in the evening though because we were headed out to my cousin's wedding and I wanted to feel okay while we were there. Their wedding was on a golf course and a few weeks prior I had borrowed a cute dress from Matt's aunt Rosie to wear to it. I slipped it on yesterday and thankfully it still fit, but in a couple more weeks it definitely wouldn't have! I haven't gained any weight yet, but the belly is definitely starting to protrude more! The wedding was so much fun and totally my cousin Liz and her now-husband Mike's style. Their officiant not only married them, but also played guitar and sang a Beatles song as she walked down the aisle and then again as they walked out together as man and wife.  It was perfect! I love weddings. She was so gorgeous in her dress and they both looked giddy with happiness. It's definitely the year of weddings as far as my friends go because I went to my friend Mandy's wedding in June, my friend Jacki is getting married in Burley in three weeks and then my friend Monica is getting married in Sacramento this October. I really, really want to be able to go to Monica's wedding in California, but not sure if it's feasible yet.

Sawyer is all enrolled in preschool and starts next week. He will go Tuesday and Thursday from 12-2 and is super excited. We went earlier this week to drop off all of his supplies and meet his teachers. The preschool is run by his daycare provider Miss Tracey and her sister in law Miss Arisa so Sawyer already knows a bunch of the kids which works out really nicely.

And in other news, while we were camping, my little sister gave birth to Elliott Michelle (Ellie for short) and she is adorable! That makes two cute nieces of mine to be born this summer as my sister in law Melissa had their daughter Kinsey in June. I love seeing pics of all three of my nieces, and could eat them all up because they are all so cute, but I have to admit I am absolutely terrified if we have a girl. Seriously terrified. It's not so much the little years, it's the pre-teen and teen years that make me shake in my boots. We find out the baby's gender October 14th when I will be almost twenty weeks so we have some time still. My hunch is that there is another little boy in there so I'm banking on that, but my friends from school insist it's a girl. We do have a girl name picked out just in case, but I would definitely be in for a shock if we didn't see any boy appendages during that ultrasound!

This was taken right before we left for my cousin Liz's wedding. You can kind of see the three month belly if you look close. Definitely showing a lot sooner with this one than I did with Sawyer!

A collage of Liz and Mike's wedding last night. Look how cute they are! Sawyer had a little too much  fun playing with the beach balls floating in the pool that had glow sticks in them. 

And last, but not least here is a photo of my friend Mandy's wedding in Driggs at the end of June. I had just found out that I was pregnant only a few days prior, but of course these girls got the secret out of me!! 


endlessglowbyjessica said...

So fun to see this pic now that I have met all these girls! :) Thanks again for the fun soiree, and glad you are feeling better!!

Victoria said...

Kinsey Koprowski. How cute :). If you have a girl, you will be fine. They are so much fun to dress up. Yes, they are drama, even when they are young, but at least you can understand where they are coming from. I'm at a loss sometimes to know exactly how to talk to Ryan ;). Were you this sick while pregnant with Sawyer?

Unknown said...

I am so excited for you! You look great! I'm a little jealous; I am five months in September and I'm not showing at all! I actually miss the little belly. :-) I am 20 weeks on Saturday and I have force myself to eat...not really sick just have no appetite. We'll have to have lunch sometime when you're not so busy! Hope you and Sawyer get to feeling better and have a great weekend.

HowellAZ said...

Seriously glad to hear you are starting to feel better and can keep down your meals. Not fun. Not one bit. It's worth it, that's what you have to keep telling yourself! :)
I think it would feel differently than you think it will if you have a girl. But then again, if you have another boy, you are familiar with that scene. I say, bonus either way! Ha ha! You guys make cute kids and I can just see this next little one with big blue eyes just like Soy Boy! Can't wait to find out the gender!