Monday, September 9, 2013


Things are looking UP. 

On Friday I decided to go Unisom free again to see how I would feel the next day. I just completed my second week of school and really didn't want to try this little experiment on a school night or even a night that I needed to watch Sawyer solo the next day in case we had a repeat experience like the last time I skipped the Unisom. But surprisingly the next morning I felt...A-okay! Which lasted all the way until the afternoon when I started to feel crummy again, but nothing like before and nothing that wasn't manageable. So for three days now I have been both Zofran AND Unisom free!! Hip hip hooray!! It's been a little over two months since I have been on this nausea medication regimen and it feels great to finally be done with that phase! Now, instead of nausea I am just ridiculously hungry at all times :) Which I will gladly take! It seems like anything I eat gets instantaneously gobbled up by the baby and I am famished again in mere minutes. It's kind of funny how often I have said to Matt "I'm starving! I need to eat (again) right. now." which unfortunately means that we have eaten out quite a bit the last week. Some of my excursions have been to get the tomato basil soup at Noodles, shredded pork salad from Cafe Rio, and I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I may or may not have had a sausage McMuffin for breakfast (or second breakfast) three times in the past week and a half. Man, their orange juice there is good too. Orange juice has been my one sustaining craving from the first trimester until now. Mmmm, so delicious.

Lately we have also been on an UP movie binge. That movie is hilarious. I love all the characters: Kevin the bird, Russell the kid, Doug the dog. Last year we missed the hot air balloon take off in Boise so I wanted to be sure we went this year, especially after watching UP I knew Sawyer would really be into watching all the balloons. We went early Saturday morning the day it was scheduled and found a seat on the grass right where they launched. It was pretty cool to watch. Sawyer was quiet the whole time, a sure sign his attention was captivated!

 I posted the photo below on Instagram with the caption "Really wanted to hitch a ride on one of them to Paradise Falls, #kevinandherbabies, #adventureisoutthere, #cawcawrawr" hoping my fellow Instagrammers would know what movie I was referring to.


Sven & Trin said...

Thank you for eating that salad at Cafe Rio! I want one so bad all the time and everyone here thinks that Chipotle is amazing and I'm convinced its because they don't know about Cafe Rio. (Seriously, what's the obsession with Chipotle? I don't get it)
So glad you're feeling better!


mmmm Cafe Rio sounds heavenly!!! :) I'm glad you are med free & feeling better! I felt like I was starving my entire pregnancy with Rylee and I gained a lot more weight then I did the first time & she was a bigger baby then Emily! I joked she was going to be born covered in ranch haha. Anyways enjoy this time!!! :) And the balloons look so pretty & like so much fun!!!! I wish we would of taken Em :(