Tuesday, July 12, 2011


This last Sunday I went up to my parents cabin just for the night. They needed to go up to do some maintenance on it Monday morning, so Sawyer and I just hitched a ride for fun. We stopped at the lake for Sawyer to splash around in. He loves to play in water, walk on grass and play in sand, but with the one and only stipulation that his shoes or sandals MUST be on. This kid is so particular about his feet! Then again, he is the offspring of someone who used to cry as a little kid about their socks feeling funny when the sock lines weren't lined up precisely with her toes.

 I finally coerced him to get into the water even though he was pretty disturbed at the sand and rocks touching his feet. Finally he decided it was alright and started cruising right along the shore.

I had forgotten about breathtakingly beautiful McCall is in the summer! The past few times I'd been there it had been hidden under snow. I wanted my mom to take a photo of the little squirt and I with the boats in the background, but this was the best we could get out of him.

And this one the light was perfect for taking a great photo, but there was zero cooperation at that point. S was beyond the loopy stage of bedtime and had gone into wild man mode. I thought for sure once we got the cabin he would CRASH. Oh no, he decided to stay up until almost 11:30.

While I waited for him to fall asleep, Sawyer and I watched the sun set together.

And right before it did some deer decided to come out and play for the evening. There were two doe's and two bucks (which I refer to in the video below so technically as girl deer's and boy deer's) and then a little baby one too! The baby was hiding in the grass so this was the best photo we could get of it. It has spots just like Bambi! It was so adorable hopping over the tall grass like a bunny!

Below is a video of the deer when they were playing near the cabin. I realize I am in dire need of video-recording skills as Matt said he felt nauseous watching it because I zip the camera every which way. My apologies if you too get a little seasick from watching. I had to include it though not only for the wildlife but also the amazing scenery. Too bad I move the camera around so fast it's hard to catch either!!


HowellAZ said...

Ha! Love the 'crazy man' overly tired stage...not! Yes, I just used NOT - that is how cool I am. Looks like you had a fun trip to McCall and got to do some wildlife watching/filming to boot. I do love McCall in the summer... at least, I think I've been there in the summer. If not, I'll take your word for it and the photos as proof. :)


what a stinker!! At least you look cute :)

endlessglowbyjessica said...

You crack me up! And Matt does too!!! I love your little fam and am so jealous you get to go to McCall!! I love it up there! Too much fun!