Thursday, February 3, 2011

The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow

Slowly, but surely little S. is getting over his cold. His teething, not so much. Those mean molars are still causing him a lot of pain and subsequently lots of shirt changes throughout the day from drool soakage. He has come up with this clever way of sucking on his pacifier as you can see below. What it results in is a massive amount of slobber (check out his chin) and a protruding lower lip that makes him look very strange. We still love him though in all of his weirdness.  


Since his runny nose was finally at a minimum and we were both getting cabin fever we went into the backyard to do some exploring. 

It may not look like it here, but he was having some fun. I saw a smile peek through behind the crooked pacifier and heard a laugh or two. He must be starting to feel better.
 I think our Soyboy is back! 


Emily said...

You crack me up, Kristen! Sawyer is a genius, I think. That pacifier looks awesome. I am also impressed that you made it so long without a nasty boogery nose. I feel like we have them around here almost weekly. I am that nasty woman with all those nasty kids you see at the grocery store and watch very carefully so you don't touch anything she or one of her kids have touched. Ah, me. You guys are ADORABLE!

HowellAZ said...

I just can't help but giggle whenever I see pictures of that S bean. He is such a character! Looks like you guys got out to soak in a bit of that sun. I try to get out whenever I can to feel like I am not stuck indoors for an entire season! But it is tricky with a sick kiddo around, so I'm glad to hear he is feeling better. Send him our very best!

Shalee said...

I'm so glad he'starting to do better! It is so hard when our little ones are down! I know all about cabin fever! We are STUCK inside over here! Kooper has had a runny nose and cough for over two weeks and since there is nothing but snow outside we're stuck inside! Glad you guys were able to get out!