Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Just Some Favorites

When the nose runs, when the cough starts, when we're feeling sad -cuz we're all still sick- we simply remember our favorite things and then we don't feel so bad. 

Some of Sawyer's favorite things lately:

Playing with his cars.

 And making vroom vrooming noises as he 'drives' them around on the floor, the dresser, or up mom or dad's legs. 

Being on the lookout for planes. 
His eyes and ears are tuned in 24/7 to the slightest sound of an airplane engine or the teeniest sign of a plane on the horizon. Don't worry if you don't hear or see anything yet, his index finger is sure to point out the oncoming plane. 

And as his recently prescribed antibiotics get rid of his sinus infection and his appetite returns, he is remembering that one of his all time favorite things is to eat!  I'm sick too,  but definitely haven't forgotten I love food! Last night I made some homemade macaroni and cheese and while I would only rate it a 4, I think S. would give it a solid 10. Don't believe me? Ask the dishes! Er, I mean watch the video. 

Um, yea, sorry about the fork prong marks on your table, Mom.  


Kent and Leisy said...

the pic of sawyer with the big eyes- and the food covered mouth looks so much like bryson it's crazy. Maybe it's the food covered face that does it :) I wish that we lived closer so that our kiddos could be pals. I think they'd all get along- they seem to have so much in common! cars, food, colds, runny noses, etc.

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

I want to play cars and see that boy say "YES" to more mac and cheese. "No worries" about the fork marks.

HowellAZ said...

Oh my goodness! He is so cute and I love that he is always on the look-out for planes. Jett's ears are on alert for any trucks passing by on the street. As soon as he hears a car noise, he looks out the window asap. I really need to get him eating out of dishes with plates. I'm not so good about that - I still use the highchair tray and fingers. :)
P.S. Their babble sounds very similar - love the baby talk! I just need to get Jett to figure out how to communicate 'yes' - he has the 'no' downpat, let me tell ya.

J. Benson said...

Hey Kristen,
I'm coming to Boise in June; wanna go out to lunch? I heard of a great place downtown (on Diners Drive-Ins and Dives); I'd like to check it out if you're up to go with me.

Your boy looks like he's so much fun to be a Mom for. Hopefully my little guy will be loads of fun too as he gets older. Infants are fun and all, but not interactive.

Jason & Shannon said...

I've only had homemade Mac and cheese once, and it was delicious!! I hope you all get better soon.