Monday, January 25, 2016

Moving Weekend

The weekend that we moved poor Scoutty was sick with yet another ear infection. Year 2015 was rough for her and altogether she had five ear infections before we decided to do ear tubes, which has since proven to be the best decision ever! Every antibiotic she was on she had some sort of skin reaction to. This weekend in particular she got so red that she looked practically radioactive! And it was apparent that she felt pretty crummy because all she wanted to do was be held and sleep, which is so unlike her.

Here is her poor little radioactive face. We ended up calling the doctor and taking her off that antibiotic, only to find out later that she reacts this way to EVERY antibiotic she was ever put on. Have I mentioned ear tubes was the best decision ever?! So thankful we did that! It's been so nice to have a happy baby again.

The evening we finally moved into our new house was very last minute and we for sure couldn't have done it without the help of so many wonderful friends and family! Matt's aunt Rosie and Uncle Steve let us use their RV garage to store a bunch of things a few weeks prior to moving and took load after load from our old house to theirs. My parents as well helped us take load after load over to their garage and then finally move those loads over to the new house. The night we moved into our new house we weren't sure if it was actually going to happen that day because the new owners were waiting for their financing to go through and there was a question as to whether it was going to happen that day. Most of the house was empty and already packed, but our beds, clothing and dishes were still there since we weren't sure what was going to happen. If it didn't happen that day we had decided we would drive to Utah that weekend, stay in a hotel and have some fun out of super stressful situation. But then at 3pm Matt's phone rang with some good news. Their financing had gone through! So we literally found out at 3pm that day that we were moving and we needed to be out by 5pm!  Rosie and Matt took a truckload up to their RV garage while I scrambled trying to load up our car. By the time they go back it was after 4pm and as we were taking out the last few things the new owners pulled up to move in! We were rushing to load the last things into the back of Rosie's truck and our car as the new owners and all of their family waited out front for us to finish so they could then help move them in. They actually came out and helped us load up that last few of our things. That wasn't awkward at all ;) Nothing like saying goodbye to your first house as you drive away in a sweat after a  super fast scramble to get out the door! I wasn't sure how many people would be able to come help us move in to the new place on such short notice since our move in day had been up in the air until two hours ago, so I ordered a HUGE pizza as we drove to the new house. When it was delivered it barely fit through the door! We were so thankful for of all the people that came to help make the move possible, including good friends who were actually out on a date and came to help us move instead!

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