Saturday, August 2, 2014


Part of my job as a research assistant was to participate in the Western Institute of Nursing conference by presenting my research results. I did a content analysis on a website called Night Nurse Nation and how it relates to infant feeding choices. My school paid for me to attend the conference which was in Seattle this year, plus paid for the airfare and hotel cost.  I would normally have been in a room with another person from school, but who really wants to be in a room with a nursing mom and her four week old infant that is going to be waking up every couple hours at night? I don't think a lot of hands would be shooting up volunteering to be my roommate! Thankfully we were able to work it out for Matt to attend with me and we just had to pay the difference in the hotel cost plus airfare for him. Since Scout was just four weeks old when we went so there was no way I could have done the trip without Matt accompanying me.  He was able to watch Scout while I was in the conference seminars and also during my poster session, during which she screamed the ENTIRE time. Poor Matt. I had envisioned him rolling her around outside in the stroller, exploring Seattle and having a great time perusing the city's sights. No such luck. On the bright side though, minus those two hours,  it was a nice getaway with just the two of us (and the baby).  Even despite the screaming episodes I still think babies are way easier than four year olds, especially on trips and our four year old was home having fun with Grandma and Grandpa during this excursion. 

 We left on a Wednesday night and flew back Friday morning so it was a VERY quick trip! We did manage to sneak in a late night dinner at PF Changs when we arrived, during which Scout slept the whole time so that was practically a real date ;) 

This was us briefly exploring the surrounding area by our hotel.  

Scout was a champ on both flights to and from Seattle. 

This was when Matt went with me to set up my poster. You can definitely tell by my rounded face that I had just given birth to a human being four weeks prior! Thankfully the jacket did a nice job of hiding the rest of the evidence. 

We did manage to sneak in some city sights with my friends, like the infamous gum wall, which we just happened upon on accident. I carried Scout around in the wrap and she did awesome. She even joined me that way in an afternoon seminar so Matt could have a break. 


It was a super speedy trip, but we managed to squeeze in a lot of fun. Visiting Seattle was a first for both of us and it was neat to be back in a large city again. I think it's safe to say we need to go again and spend at least a week to properly see everything Seattle has to offer and of course see my friend Jessica next time!!

When we arrived home, we were greeted by this little man at the airport, equipped with home made signs and everything. I loved it! 


rachel garber said...

You're such a trooper! I'm supposed to go to present at a conference this week on Friday and after my appointment with the doctor, I've opted to tell my boss no way. I'm too swollen and uncomfortable. She and my other co-worker will be just fine without me. Seattle is a great time - you really do need a few more days without conference time to really enjoy it. I grew up near there and love going back. Plus you need to take a ferry ride! That's the best way to love the area. That's all.

endlessglowbyjessica said...

Love that you mentioned me :) I "happened" upon the gum wall by accident as well and was so happy b/c I had been here so long and had heard about it but never seen it! So gross and cool all at the same time!