Sunday, June 12, 2011

Little Boy Blue

Boy in highchair with markers, happily coloring on paper. 
Until mom turns her back. 
Then paper is thrown onto floor, and the markers double as lollipops. 
Yum. Tastes like blueberry I'm sure. 


Dave and Michelle Howell said...

never, ever turn your back. That's when all the strange, fun stuff happens!

HowellAZ said...

WOW! Those markers make for an amazing color on the tongue. Not to mention how it compliments his eyes. I'm sure he was going for that look when he started sucking the markers. :)

kwriter said...

Sure makes his eyes look blue! I must admit I never quite understood how little ones could be so picky about food, but turn around and eat something like a marker, that must taste pretty bad.


FUNNY!! I'm not looking forward to these days with Emily

Shalee said...

That is hilarious! Can't even blink without them making a mess! I'm tellin ya....they're as much work as they are fun!