Sunday, June 26, 2011


 I have been super bad at blogging lately. Bad Kristen. I'm only taking two classes this summer too so the 'being busy with school' excuse it out the window. I'm not quite sure why I've been slacking except that I just haven't been in the mood for it. Matt was shocked and said I'd finally gotten "blogged" out! I'm hoping it will pass since I actually do have a lot of fun photos to post from when Ben and Chantal were in town and the two little cousins, Jett and Sawyer, got to play. But until then, here are some other random ones from the past month. 

Bryson came over to babysit a few weeks ago so Matt and I could go watch the UFC game with friends. I didn't want to freak Bry out before we left, but had to tell him Sawyer had been having night terrors just in case it were to happen that night. -That could potentially be a whole other post, but basically what happens is he'll wake up screaming, but not really be awake. His eyes are open and he's hysterically crying and thrashing about, but he doesn't recognize us, technically is still asleep and won't wake up no matter how hard we try. It's weird, it's creepy, and it's makes me want to cry every time because Matt just has to hold him while he flails about so that he doesn't get hurt-Anyway, thankfully he did not have one the night that Bryson babysat. (brow wipe)
I had Bry take a picture of us right before we left. It's not very often we get one of just the two of us!

In other news, I got my very own computer! We got a new laptop for me to use for school. The one I had been using was Matt's dinosaur of a Mac from 2003 and it was as slow as a sleeping sloth (say that ten times fast). I very nearly pulled all my hair out doing my on-line classes on that thing, hence buying the new laptop since Matt didn't want me to go bald. 

 Sawyer has been a silly goose lately. I had to throw this photo in since what kid doesn't go the shoe phase?

He still refuses to talk, yet seems to fully understand why we are saying. He nods yes or no to anything we ask so at least there is some sort of communication going on. Some of his latest favorites are:

~ watching Thomas the train, which is exactly what he is doing in the photo below.
~playing with all the measuring cups, spoons, and straws and hiding them very strategically so we can't find them for weeks.

~jumping from the couch to ottoman and purposefully falling off both and laughing.
~Coloring with his markers. Love that photo of him with the 'stache. He totally drew it himself. Believe me? ;)

~Climbing on my back like a monkey to hitch a ride down or up the stairs so he doesn't have to climb them. Lazy or Ingenius?

~Riding Moxie like she's a pony which I don't think she's very enthusiastic about. Funny that now he thinks he's a cowboy, because remember this disastrous photo shoot we attempted back when he was a wee one? If not, I've attached the video at the bottom. I had the brilliant idea to dress him up as a cowboy and take a photo of him sitting atop him trusty steed Moxie. Mind you, Sawyer was only a few weeks old at the time. Make sure your sound is up so you can hear the great song Matt had picked out for the video. And for the record, I do feel bad for subjecting my poor little baby to all that craziness. Sort of. 

**If it seemed like an absolute WAS.**


Unknown said...

Hey Kristen, I know how night terrors can be; it's hard on the parents and the kids. I personally haven't had to deal with that with my kid but I have delt with it when babysitting. One idea is if they are pretty regular and you know the time wake Sawyer up 30 to 40 min before they occur and read a long story. They can develop into habits and if you do this for about one to two weeks you can break the cycle. Hope this helps.

Shalee said...

Looks like you guys have been busy! I love the picture of you and Matt! And how exciting that you got a new computer!!! I'm sorry Sawyer is having night terrors. It doesn't sound fun and it's keeping you up! As for him not talking....sometimes I wonder if that's better. Kooper will say stuff and we have to guess over and over and over and then we ask her to show us and then she gets frustrated and it can end in a slight tantrum. He'll get it soon though. It seriously seems like that they get it over night. He'll be screaming mine before you know it! Thanks for the update! I've been wondering how you've been doing!

rachel garber said...

You look so pretty in your pic with Matt! Gorgeous!

I hear you on the blogging thing . . . I was kind of over it too and still am but now that I'm not as far away - everybody wants to see my married life. Lame. So I guess I'll keep it up. I'm in the mindset that if I stalk, I have to post as well :)

HowellAZ said...

Jett sang along with the video - he loved it! Ha ha! Too cute and fun to remember those baby times!