Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Continuation

Originally we had planned on taking Sawyer trick or treating, but then thought who are we kidding? He goes to bed when the sun goes down, gets cranky if he is not put to bed at that time, and who is going to eat all that candy?! Not him, and not us.  So after church we decided to go to the Fall Festival at Pierce College since it was the last day they were open.  Nana Carol came with and took Sawyer on his very first carousel ride.

Then Matt and I took him on a hayride minus the hay since there were actual benches we sat on instead of hay bales. Fine by me, since we weren't itchy by the end of it. 

Sawyer trying to overt my eyes from something very scary I'm sure. He's only 1 and already knows his mom is a wuss when it comes to all things ghouly, gobliney, and ghosty. 

On the hay ride he got to pick out a candy from a bucket and chose a sucker. We figured there was no harm done in letting him suck on it since it was wrapped in plastic. He seemed to really thoroughly be enjoying it after a while and it turned out it was wrapped in paper so he had sucked right through to the candy part!  No wonder he was liking it so much! 

While we waited to go into the petting zoo he pretended to be a sheep.

Sat on my shoulders and styled a nice big bouffant in my hair. 

And started acting pretty silly. He is, as Spongebob would say, a definite goofy goober.

Sawyer, Nana and I went into the petting area to see the goats. He was running around laughing, jabbering to them and patting them on the head. I think he may have thought they were all "doh"s which is first official word and means dog in Sawyerese. He says it every time he sees Moxie and any other dog so we figure it's pretty legit to count as his first word besides Mama and Dada.

 When we first arrived to the festival he had on his costume, but in the 70 degree weather it was just too warm to keep wearing it. Luckily we were able to get a few photos of it so at least it was put to good use for a little while. 

S. wanting to run around like a maniac NOT take a picture.  

Watch out, there's a tiger on the loose! 

 Hope everyone had a HaPpY HaLLoWeEn!!!

Next post will be about our BIG family news. Some already know, but mostly just our immediate families. And no we are not, I repeat not, pregnant :) 


endlessglowbyjessica said...

Kristen... I just adore this little man! I need to meet him asap! He's just so cute! Glad you had a fun Halloween!

Victoria said...

It seems that every time someone has big news (and they are married) people assume that they're pregnant. I hate always having to preface news with, "We have big news, and no, we're not pregnant..."

Pierce looks like it was a lot calmer on Halloween. We were there the weekend before, and it was CRAZY! We only went on the tractor ride and then picked out pumpkins. Good idea to not take Sawyer out after his bedtime. No one would have been happy.

Kent and Leisy said...

post the big news!!! what is it!?

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

I want to snuggle with the goofy goober!

Shalee said...

How fun! What a good idea! We took Kooper trunk or treating but I'm thinking she would have enjoyed what you guys did much more! He is such a photogenic little guy! Love these pictures!