Sunday, November 7, 2010

What Was I Thinking?

Last week I was out and about with Sawyer and we walked into a pet store in Simi called Unleashed. It's basically a fancy pants version of Petsmart. We walked out almost as soon as we walked in because I was not about to buy our dog Moxie a $10 bag of dog snacks.  Then as we were headed out the lady at the front counter told me about a photo session they were having this weekend for families and their pets and for $9.95 you could walk out with a BUNCH of different sized photos. I was sold! She had convinced me in a matter of minutes that it would be such a fabulous idea to get a family photo taken of us with our dog and send them out as Christmas cards. 

Immediately I had visions of the cutest cards ever with a photo of Matt and I's legs from the knee down (mine wearing cute, furry boots) and then Sawyer and Moxie nestled in between our feet wearing Christmas attire and Santa hats and being as adorable as ever. I had even convinced Matt when I got home that we couldn't pass it up. Then why was I so stressed out last night and this morning about it?! I could barely even sleep last night in anticipation. Then today at around 1 (our session was at 4:30) I realized why I was so on edge was because, what in the world was I thinking?! There was not a chance in you know where that a photo session with a dog who acts like a puppy on speed and a toddler who won't sit still for a split second or let anything be on the top of his head for even half of a split second (a Santa hat? yeah right!) would have even the slightest chance of running, even remotely, smoothly. 

Matt admitted he was thinking that the whole time, but was going along with it since I seemed so excited about it. I guess he figured I would have to experience the mayhem firsthand to realize it was a really really bad idea.  I picked up my phone and called and canceled. I told them Sawyer was sick. It wasn't really a lie because he was being very cranky that day and I thought I saw the slightest bit of a runny nose. Okay, it was a flat out lie, but boy did I feel better after I made that call. I could breathe a sigh of relief that the doggie and baby meltdown of the century wasn't going to take place after all. 

 Well for now I can still dream of that perfect Christmas card photo, and hopefully for those who read this you could envision it as well. Really the people who read my blog would be the only ones I'd be sending a card to anyway, so just pretend that I mailed that lovely little make believe photo to you.   Great, Christmas cards done and I didn't even have to buy stamps.

*By the way that said photo was going to be the one to take the place of the empty header on the top of my blog. Looks like I'll have to go with plan B on that one. 


Shalee said...

That would have been a SERIOUSLY cute Christmas card! We're having family pictures dine thanksgiving weekend....should be interesting. Hopefully Kooper does okay! We won't be including the cat in our picture though!

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

Chicken! You could've posted a picture of doggy/boot/Sawyer/hat mayhem and that would've been all we could have ever asked for in a Christmas Card...

Amanda B. said...

Sounds to me like we need to do another photo session. This time, with the dog. ;) Just sayin'.

Amanda B. said...

Sounds to me like we need to do another photo session. This time, with the dog. ;) Just sayin'.

J. Benson said...

My dog had done surprisingly well at our photo shoots. She's even looking at the camera most of the time. A patient photographer also helps.