Monday, June 28, 2010

Like I said,

So much to blog about and so little time. I decided that rather than do my math homework while Sawyer is napping I will put up all these photos that are dying to be posted. Beware, this will be visual overload. I'm breaking it up into increments though. First blog worthy event that is long overdue:

 My little brother (even though he's taller than me) Bryson's graduation!

Congratulations Bry on graduating high school. That's an accomplishment to be proud of since 4 years can be quite torturous, but you made it!!! Hooray! 

I remember playing Picnic Ants with you (a nice name for a game that really just meant pinching the daylights out of you), drawing fake moustaches on you while you slept and then calling you Pierre when you woke up, locking you out of the house and then when you tried to come in I'd  pretend you were the neighborhood kid Josh and tell you to go home and then you'd say "no I live here, I'm Bryson!", then telling you that when we drove to McCall there were witches that lived in the towns on the way there and made you hide on the floor of the car. I really should congratulate you for putting up with me as your sister. 
However I would like to say I possibly made up for all of that by doing things like picking out your clothes for you to wear to kindergarten so that you looked like the coolest dude out of all the the 5 year olds there, sending you packages full of cool Spongebob paraphanelia when I moved away, buying you way more presents than I ever did for Megan and consequently making her jealous because of it (sorry Megan, I like you too!), teaching you how to snowboard (even though I taught you the wrong way), and for flying all the way to Idaho from California with a wiggly baby just to see you graduate!

Can't wait to hang out with you again in a month in Australia. Let's wrestle some crocs while we're there. You can show me how it's done. 

1 comment:

Aubrey said...

hahaha the witch thing sounds familair. poor bry the not so small fry anymore. :)