Poor little S. has a runny nose. I could hear it this morning when he was sleeping, that gurgling throaty noise that has got be one of the most disgusting noises ever. I was worried he was getting a cold, but I think it's just teething or allergies. Either way I can't complain seeing how he is over 8 months old and has yet to have gotten sick. As the day progressed his nose was running so much I was beginning to think it was training for a marathon too!
Tried using tissues. Didn't work. Tried using that sucky bulb and it's sucks alright, as in definitely doesn't work. I'm am so not of a fan of runny noses (who is really?), but I can't stand when I see a kid with one traveling down to his lips. Eeeeew. All I can think about his all the germs he is spreading around every time he wipes at it with his hands and all the things that become snot covered in his path. Ugh. I'm gagging just thinking about it. Desperate to find something that would help Sawyer be able to breathe I found something utterly amazing on line! I HAD to share about this magical apparatus. Normally you have to order it on line, since very few places carry it, but luckily a Whole Foods nearby had them.
Jumped in the car. Sawyer screamed the whole way. Ran into the store carrying him on my hip. Where is it? Where is it? Jackpot! They had them in stock. Paid $16.99 for the main product and $2.99 for refills. Would have cost the same on line with shipping. Ran back out to the car, strapped him in carseat and proceeded to use the product. This is how it works:
You stick the tip of the blue thingamajiggy at their nostril and the red thing goes in your mouth. Then you suck. Grossed out yet? I was too. But there's a blocker in there that keeps anything from going into your mouth. And guess what?! S. could breathe!! Relief at last. He then slept the whole way home.
Soooooooo worth the money. I'd have to say, the effectiveness definitely outweighs the ick factor. But as the reading rainbow kids say, don't take my word for it! You can read other reviews here
Heart Shaped Brownies
14 hours ago
Huh. I should get that. Ryan suffers from a runny nose a lot. I think it's because he spits up a lot and then it gets stuck in his sinuses :(. The aspirator (aka "bulb thingy" or "booger" as Samantha calls it) doesn't work very well.
That does sound gross but I'm sure just about anything works better than those bulbs! When Koop was in the hospital the had a long tube that pretty much worked like a vacuum. There was a container that all of the gunk went into at the end of it. I wish we could just have those at home!
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