Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Boys Morning

It is exactly a week and a half until my 2nd semester of nursing school starts and the studying has already commenced! I was feeling guilty that I hadn't even cracked open a book over the summer, but in a way it was a good thing. I was so burnt out at the end of last semester and now having done absolutely nothing but play all summer long (minus an easy breezy 8 week long Statistics class) I am officially ready to jump back in. 

Since my blogging posts will most likely come to a screeching halt once I'm back in school I wanted to hurry up and post a few more.

These photos are from a morning spent at the park and beach in Coeur d'Alene. My mom and I took Jett and Sawyer for a couple hours to play while our cameras clicked away the entire time. I'm pretty sure we had over one hundred photos just from that morning alone. Don't worry I whittled it down to a mere 89 in this post. Nah, just kidding there's definitely under 20. 

The park right next to the lake was amazing! It was made out of wood and was designed by kids so there were all these kid size stairwells and tunnels. They had a blast running over the bridges, climbing up the ladders and swinging. 

After running around the park we crossed the bike path and walked down to the beach. It was almost completely empty except for a few select people like us that decided going to the beach at 8 in the morning would be fun.  I had brought my beach bag with us that had a few beachy utensils so the little boys got right to work in the sand.

Sawyer wasn't a huge fan of the texture of sand on his hands. 

You can see he is contemplating what to do with his hands here. I can only imagine what sorts of way  he was coming up with to clean them. Wipe them in Jett's hair? Wipe them on his own hair? 

He was pretty downright grumpy that morning. Wouldn't talk, wouldn't smile for photos and definitely wasn't about to let anyone hug him. 

Jett found a feather that I made him stand there and show me for a good 3 minutes (otherwise known as an eternity in toddler time). He was very patient though and we got some fun photos of him. 

Then as if people must have known there were two die hard plane fans on the beach, a plane took off on the water right in front of the boys AND a helicopter flew over. 
They were in heaven. 

Jett must have wanted to cherish this magical plane watching moment with Sawyer by holding his hand. 

But did I mention Sawyer was being a Grumpy Gus? 
He was not enthused with the whole hand holding idea. 

At all. 

In fact the only time I think Sawyer cracked a smile the whole day was when I let him touch a dead fish. 

Before you freak out, it was only partially dead. 
I think. 
There was a man fishing and I had just seen him catch and release a small fish right where I found this one a few minutes later. I was hoping it was the same one he just taken off his hook and not a floater that he been there for a few days. Either way the boys absolutely loved it. And I'm pretty sure I got "Auntie of the Year" in Jett's eyes for that one. 

See, only 17 photos. Much better than over a 100. Now onto the next blog post! 

1 comment:

Dave and Michelle Howell said...

OK, let's do that day again too!